6/4/24 Live Chat Q&A

Does suicidal inclination have a spiritual side to it or is it related to not enough nutrients for the mind to produce healthy thoughts? On average how much do you normally charge for a private appointment?


Dr G, Could you explain again the theory that viruses are not real and that the body's symptoms are the body's way of fixing the problem? I've noticed that I typically fall asleep around 11:30 PM and wake up between 3:00 and 4:30 AM every morning. Fortunately, I can usually fall back asleep within 10-20 minutes. While I don't have the best mattress, I'm unsure if this sleep pattern is normal.

I am 76 years old in pretty decent health, but I am over-weight. I saw your video on “Healthy Blood Sugar” and realized that I need chromium and vanadium. I take two healthy brain and heart body paks. In looking at the 90 EN ingredients, I only see chromium (no vanadium) in the BTT 2.5, Osteo FX, Selenium or the Ultimate EFA Plus that I am currently taking. I also take two bottles of Plant Derived Minerals and two bottles of Gluco Gel (for my knees). Am I getting enough chromium and vanadium through the micro nutrients in what I am taking now or do I need to start taking the Sweet-eze and the Projoba Omega that you recommend in the video or would you just wait and see if what I am taking now will keep my sugar under control? As of my last lab panel that was taken before taking the Youngevity products, my glucose was 111 and my A1C is 6.2. My labs were about the same the year before. I really don’t want to add more products unless I really need to ($$$), but I will if you say so -:).

Also, are you still NOT recommending using the Projoba Omega? I would really like to switch to it from the EFA Plus, just because looks like the best bang for the buck compared to all the other EFA products at Youngevity.


Hi. Melissa from perth Australia. My husband had shingles last year but he is still struggling with horrible burning nerve pain on his right eye travelling up his scalp. I want to get him on the 90 day essentials program. Any other support to help him x. Thanks Mel Zee

Thank you for all of your "sharing." I have followed your protocol, and I take the 90 for life 3 times a day for several months. My blood pressure is normalized, but I recently started getting a charlie horses in my calf, which is mysteriously larger than the other leg. I thought the oseo fx 3 times a day would take care of that. What might be going on?


Do you know if the supplement Mastica would help with GERD? Replace oprempasale.What is the blood test that you mentioned last call that could help with identifying food that may be causing a severe runny nose - rhinostis?


Craig from Grants Pass. My wife is experiencing Vaginal dryness, She has been on the 90 for over a year, this is a new problem how can I help her. My guess was more EFA, she has been taking 9 a day. Thanks We had her blood tested she does not have UTI. She also has itching

She is 70 years old

I know I asked you & told me this before, but I can't find my notes on this. I have another stye again! What causes this and what did you tell me to take for relief? My upper right eyelid feels like it has sand in it, and it's swollen. This is SuzyQ Do you know what causes this condition?


Your interview with Dr.Jared Zeff...16:20...he said he tests new patients to find out, How toxic are you? How much toxicity is there coming from digestion. Then he re-tests some months later. But he never said how he does the test. It seemed he was talking about something OTHER THAN a blood test. Do you know WHAT TEST HE WA Is it a blood te OOOPS..ACCIDENTLY HIT ENTER TO SOON) SO HOW DOES HE TEST TO SEE HOW MUCH TOXICITY IS COMING FROM THE FOOD? ANY UPDATE ON DR. ALFONSO MONSO? IS HE OK? the book Toxic Superfoods by Sally Kaye Norton warns about oxylates in foods....causing needle like shards of crystalline oxides. Indicates this might be the cause of fibromayalgia and joint pain. Should these high oxylates be the on the 12 bad foods list? so is fibromyalgia this or white muscle disease? is there a homeopathic reference online that you use to verify the remedy?


zzcaptain here Doc, i give you the ultimate credit for putting togeher the 'from the proper perspective, everything makes sense', i researched it and you somehow put 2 and 2 together, thank you for that. also when nature eliminates the weakest then obviously, we need to strengthen our health to the best of our knowledge and means. i think we've been a little misled and nature does indeed in the health realm eliminate the weakest, have you heard that before? i may have enough to order your books, are you planning on doing more (writing) Doc? Do they contain the answers of carb related herbs?


Hello doc what water system would you recommend? By the way I love these 90 essentials! Also how would I lower my Ferritin? My lab reading shows it at 375

Ken B's wife here. I have doing the Osteo + pineapple juice cocktail in the evenings. I've tried to go from one ounce to two and without fail,I end up with very loose bowels the next day, visiting the bathroom 4 to 6 times a day. What would you suggest to fix this issue?


Hi Dr. Glidden, through private appointment you put my 94 year old mom, Gloria on the 90 and 8 projobo and 4 selenium after her stroke in September. Should I switch her to the EFA+ and/or Ultimate EFA, and if so how many. Also, should I lower the number of selenium. Thank you, Liz from NY

Mel in MN, Hello Favored Reindeer Conductor of Games, can a person eat bacon and summer sausage etc if they have their butcher make it WITHOUT nitrates, i like side pork (no nitres, i add my own seasoning) i mainly eat from the woods, aka venison, local beef raised, no feedlot usda (4 scariest letters assembled in the alphabet!) JCDA is safest! Jesus Christ Dept of Agriculture lol. P.S Love the NO Tie! from Minnesota only time i agree with California's vote who also didnt like tie lol. very NICE look on you! Fauci were's a tie and HE's going to Gitmo!


California - I am 37 years old, weight 80 lbs, 5"2, with Cystic Fibrosis, Gallstones, and Moderate Asthma. Most recent blood draw showed Alkaline Phos of 235 which shows super high and I've been having gallstone attacks and feel inflamation and swelling around my liver area. I had previously purchased the following items per the protocols on the website, but last time I was on you mentioned that some of the protocols are over 6 yrs old, so can you tell me what dosage I should use based on the items I bought below. Imortalium Projoba omegaGood Herbs Pancreas Support Muscadine Grape Seed extractGood Herbs Kidney & Bladder Support:Also Good herb products have alcohol so I was wondering what alternative tintures I can take instead? Also most importantly, what do you suggest as a liver rescue protocol? Lastly, have you known anyone that has successfully been healed of Cystic Fibrosis? As an adage, my Creatinine and my Calcium are a little lower than the normal range.


Hi Dr Glidden, Roman from Australia. Thanks for all your help to date. Life is worth living after all. My wife had in the past a nerve twitch which moved her leg, daytime or nighttime, even when sleeping. Since taking the range of minerals recommended and going off the bad foods, this stopped. However, now again a nervous tingling runs down her left arm. Thie occurs now and again. Is this of concern, please?


Dr G , im an active never-tobacco user 57yrs male dealing with elevated BP past few years . Started the 90EN 2 yrs ago .still elevated numbers …have recently stooped to submission of small dose of BP drug from wife’s md …. Recently right eye has been diagnosed with mini vein bleeding ( must be related to BP ). The retina crew are recommending for me to have retina injections of drug called Avastin . Please advise from Charles S. Best down on the Arkansas/Louisiana line


Hello Dr Glidden. My mum has been taking the Rhus toxicodendron for the hand stiffness and groin swelling and these symptoms have improved but not resolved. I will like to know if she should continue with the homeopathy or if you can recommend another one. Also she has varicose vein on her both feet and hip and the palms of her hand sometimes look wrinkled and white.What can she use please.


Hi Dr. Glidden. My 75 year old male cousin who has been under the care of a cardiologist, went to the emergency room tonight and they found 2 blockage which they cleared and he is now in the hospital. In addition to the 90, what else do you recommend? Thanks

Hi Dr. G....you're awesome! You recommend Lycopodium Clavatum for excess phelgm. Is that safe for the liver? I bet it is beneficial...but want to check first, Thanks for ALL you do


6/6/24 Live Chat Q&A


5/30/24 Live Chat Q&A