6/6/24 Live Chat Q&A


Hi Dr. G, Sarah Hooper from Houston here. This has been bugging me for a while; why in the world is there a book out there called Death by Calcium: Proof of the toxic effects of dairy & calcium supplements by Cardiologist Thomas E. Levy - it says the book “offers scientific proof that the regular intake of dairy and calcium supplementation promotes all known chronic degenerative diseases and significantly shortens life.” It seems like he practices Fractionated Nutrition, so I’m going to dismiss this, just wanted to hear your thoughts. Thanks!


- QQQ (Dirk from Belgium): Osteo-fx gives me slight diarrhea. Probably has to do with the magnesium citrate. Tangy Tangerine 2.5 gives no problems. Am I the only one who has this problem? Is there a solution? Multiple doses spread throughout the day? Can I add plant derived minerals to Tangy Tangerine 2.5? Thank you!


Is POTS Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome and CRPS Complex Regional Pain Syndrome related to a deficiency?


It's Grant from Iowa. Thanks for the recommendations for improving my seasonal allergies last week. I found that refined sugar seems to be the trigger for my sinusitis. I am also taking the RTQ with food now. Do you have guidelines on how to take the supplements when fasting? I intermittent fast daily for 14 hours or more and am looking to experiment with longer periods. forgot to add this question: Is it sufficient to take the Beyond Tangy Tangerine Tablets only? I seem to tolerate them better.


Hi Dr Glidden beside the 90 nutrients and the plant derived minerals what other supplements I need to add for weight loss.


I been working erratic night shifts. Is there anything that could help mitigate the ill effects? Is there any meditative technique that allows one to fall asleep immediately without relying on a fixed sleep pattern?


Hi Doc, for the Sleep Apnea protocol getting the ingredients into Canada is not easy. (One would think we don't have electricity or the wheel). Q: do I take the respiratory support and elderberry on an empty stomach or does it not matter? Richard


Lauren Ca: I broke off a tooth and needed a root canal. Antibiotics have been prescribed. I have not taken them. I have no pain. Do I need to take them? What circumstance should you take antibiotics?

Hello dr G I’m the guy from health class. I’m learning a lot but I may need to do this with you a long time. 1. Anyway couple weeks back I asked why sugar was not on 12 BF list. You said go to a video you did on that. I hv watched a few but none of them are about that particular Q. Pls say again where it is located. 2. Another student here, his dad has a bad skin infection starting from a house with cats. My mom (who helps me a lot and also w these questions) has helped him get on the 90E + 12 BF. Brain & heart pack. It’s been about 10 weeks. She also added i26 and microbiome. And GH liver and gall bladder. 3. The gentleman works in construction and was tearing down a house that had cats. Despite protective wear, he got boils around the edges where sleeves, neckline and groin were sweating a lot. It resulted in near death to him. But now, 5 antibiotics later, he is struggling. What else can we tell him ? He has no health care insurance. Million thank yous. Pls remember I have autism and am very delayed. By 10-12 years. Pls remember that. My tests say I function ok with words and my mom has detoxed me a lot over the years….otherwise I would be in a group home bc my behaviors were so awful. Part of my role in class is helping others to become aware of all this. The 90E and 12 BF. Even though none of the others chose this for their class. I’m trying to convince them. Autistic kids really like a lot of bad toxic food and they tend to refuse healthy. Actually me also. My mom says it is maddening bc I also love junk. But at least I’m trying and starting.


When there are both positive and negative effects from taking the heckla lava you prescribed do I continue the discipline or do we need a different remedy? Also wondering if the dry defatted peanut butter is okay to eat or no..... Thank you for your help, you are greatly appreciated:)


Christine - Ohio - Good Afternoon! What is the next step after completing your 6 month recommendation for heart stents (90 essentials, 4 ml heart support 3x day, selenium 1-2x day between meals, Boluoke 1-2x day)? Thank you so much!!!!


Good morning Doc! Paul fm Fredericksburg here... Thanks again for all you do; we are most grateful! A note on silver: all hydrosols, ionic, & colloidal silver, contain colloids, so the adjective colloidal is "OK" to use (I have made my own for about 22 years now). Also, SOME dental bacteria are anaerobic, so they don't need or use "free" oxygen. The mechanism behind silver is that it inhibits an organism from using free oxygen (i.e. aerobic organisms). This is why the gut bacteria are NOT affected by silver; they are anaerobic. For the edification of all...


6/11/24 Live Chat Q&A


6/4/24 Live Chat Q&A