6/11/24 Live Chat Q&A

Both my feet are peeling, with slight calluses, not on the soles but on the outer edges. Comes and goes in a couple of months. What is it an indication of?


Hello Dr Glidden, we have a customer who has type 2 diabetes. He has started fasting to help lower his blood sugar and even did a 3 day fast during which he checked his blood sugar 3 times a day and couldn’t get it below 10, but most of the time it was 12. He was taking 3 capsules of Sweet-Eze 3 times per day at the same times plus Tangy and Minerals. He wasn’t taking his pharmaceutical blood sugar meds during this time. He is wondering why his blood sugar wouldn’t be dropping during fasting.


SALTZMAN HERE last week I asked you about a homeopathic for my husband, Mike, who experienced sudden extreme vertigo, spinning, really high BP with vomiting and we originally thought it might have something to do with a virus but now he has lost about 98% of the hearing in his left ear. ER doc as well as his own research says it looks like Ménières. He is still having trouble a little bit with his balance, but the main symptom now is the loss of hearing no more vomiting or extreme dizziness. You had originally recommended COCCULUS IND, which I have not received in the mail yet, but I found it today in the 6c potency when I gave it to him today, he said it actually made him nauseous ( which he has not really been for a few days now ) and wondering what if that means he should keep on it or if there’s another remedy you would switch to. Also, Brenda reminded me to get him started on circulatory support. They are doing bloodwork and want to do an MRI to rule out , something more serious, but suspect strongly that it’s some kind of a rupture or major dysregulation of the vestibular, in the inner ear. Would you keep him on the cocculus even though it made him a little nauseous? or is there a next remedy to try – MAIN symptoms are hearing loss, with somewhat disrupted balance.


Dr G, What could it mean if someone is active, mindful of their calorie intake, and taking the recommended 90 nutrients, yet still struggles to lose weight? Could stress or hormonal imbalances be the cause, and if so, what are the best solutions? Thanks!

Hi. DOC, Brenda from NW Illinois. I have 2 questions tonight. 1 any suggestions for relief from poison ivy, and 2 my dentist, during exam, noticed I have swollen lymph nodes in my neck. I feel no discomfort other than some allergy symptoms, is this normal? Thanks for all of your guidance!


Hi dr Glidden which one is better Beyond osteo liquid or powder?

6’ tall, would be between 6’ 5 and 6’ 7 if it weren’t for scoliosis.,,,, but I’m only 130 lbs. I’m aware of being deficient in all 90, but my main question is being severely anemic, whenever I take “iron pills” etc,,, all it seems to do is make my stool black?…, is that normal? Or am I simply not absorbing the iron?… do I just keep dialing the dose of iron back until stool stops coming out black or what? And still trying to gain weight per my height but I’m not sure what the next step is?

Hey Doc! Ken B. here. Is there a homeopathic remedy to try for headaches that occur prior to thunderstorms moving in?


I am 66 and have had a history of hemorrhoids, both internal and external, since I was a young adult. Over the weekend I seem to have had a flare up of an internal hemorrhoid and/or fissure with dull aching, swelling accompanied by painfully hard bowel movements. It has been very uncomfortable for several days and I have spent a fair amount of time lying down to minimize the discomfort. No bleeding that I have observed. Today seems better with less discomfort but I am still moving slow. Any advice on home treatment for hemorrhoids, fissures, etc.? How can I avoid going through this in the future? Thanks for all you do.

Leslie from PNW. Checking in on success with BP drops with nutrition changes. Neglected to tell you I’m on beta blocker thirty years. Atenolol 50 mg. That’s a longer “phone” call. With the success of these numbers I could actually hope to wean off of this completely. One ounce oj, osteo, minerals 4x daily for how long? Could you help me with wean with office call? 134/81, 133/75, 139/85, pulse 64-70. MD wanted me to start second agent, calcium channel blocker. I will NOT need to do this, thanks to YOU!


I am wondering if these foot baths that allegedly detox though the feet. Do these really work what is the research?

Do the Healthy Start Pak come with clear instructions for use? Is Tangy Tangerine 2.5 OK for someone with IBS symptoms? Is it irritating to the GI tract? Need to start slow? Perhaps diluted, loe dose to start? Is Healthy Start Pak a great pre-natal protocol? I was concerned to see the Linoleic Acid in the EFA Plus, Mercola, and others, are thinking it is very toxic...may be the cause of macular degeneration and other chronic illnesses. Since this Mom is not yet avoiding 12 bad foods, which Fatty Acid product would you choose. Does the Healthy Start Pak include lithium? I am hoping the Healthy Pak will improve mood so we have a better shot at weaning off SSRI meds. BTW.... (7-UP used to have lithium, molecular weight of 7 and 'Up' mood. They got the water for 7-Up from Lithium Springs, GA., cool, huh?) Why did you wear glasses in prior videos? Are your eyes improving? And, BTW, you are having a great hair night!


Good evening doc, this is SuzyQ. 1.Guess what? My numb fingers and palm of my hand disappeared, so Praise the Lord, I am so happy! Thank you thank you! You rock! 2. Did you get my package in the mail? The tracking # said you should have gotten it by the 3rd. 3 Could you repeat those 2 homeopathics and the amount to take before a Thunderstorm, please?


Dr G3 weeks ago I reached you from ABU DHABI, regarding pain of wisdom tooth extraction and you suggested we use use homeopathy medicine for my daughter, I am currently in Mississauga tending to my daughter who is stricken by Burkitt lymphoma which has spread aggresively. Which supplements can help her boost white blood cells and restore her hair. i raised this query earlier via my mobile please disregard the earlier query Dr G are you aware that BTT 2.5 contain MALTODEXTRIN which is worse than SUGAR ?


Dr Glidden I have been taking the causticum for 4 days it helps for half A day then in afternoon I get the chills and anxiety again what should I do Loretta from Norridgewock.


Hey Dr. G! It's Marilyn from Georgia. Back today from 3 week travels. While I was gone I began to have eye issues. I've had extreme dry then weepy eyes. I have experienced eye pain in both eyes from time to time. But the new twist presented on my travels was my right eye upper lid was red & puffy just under the lashes. I suspected it was a clogged tear duct but what really bothered me was when the twitching happened a couple of days later. I got the twitch to stop by wet compresses & laying down. The worst day was Sunday. Much better Monday. Red puffy lid got relief with the compresses and now gone. But still have dry then weepy eyes (it trades off) no twitch since Sunday and some eye pain (like a pressure behind eye off and on) any suggestions?


are gluten free oats still bad for you?


Hey doc, Phillip the RN here, hope you’re well : ). I wanted to follow up with the wart on my finger. For about 3 months, I've been applying Thuja & Colloidal Silver to my wart, 2 to 3 times a day, and taking Thuja 30c by mouth, 2 pellets, twice a day. It is still the same size - the top dries up, I scrape it off, then continue as usual - but it keeps regrowing. Any thoughts? Thank you : )


Great evening Dr Glidden! My wife,71, went to have a foot issue checked! That was taken care of, however the doctor said her blood work indicated a hemoglobin of 4 and she needed an immediate transfusion! She veimenly refused! She doesn't trust the blood bank! She says she feels good so they released her AMA! Do you know of any other way to possibly help get it back to normal? Thank you

Hi Dr. Glidden, thank you for all the you do. I'm back again, still about 80 lbs with Cystic Fibrosis. Any suggestion if I should be taking anything else as I've grown out Staphylococcus aureus - Moderate, Pseudomonas aeruginosa - Light, and Heavy Normal Respiratory Flora Having a lot of trouble with fatigue and congestion - overall muscle weakness I cough a lot but nothing comes out or super thick mucus...sorry for being so graphic


6/13/24 Live Chat Q&A


6/6/24 Live Chat Q&A