6/21/24 Live Chat Q&A


Could you briefly talk about whats the nature of staph infection? I heard an MMA fighter get it 1 week after the fight and he had to stop training so that it wouldn't spread. What's your opinion? Is there nothing he can do to remedy it?! if my snack has 8% wheat flour in it, is it still okay to eat? Do you have anything against energy drinks? Esp the brand called Monster?

from Karen I had my blood drawn and my cholesterol levels have gone up which I am not too concerned over total 220, hdl 46, ldl 154 Also the inflammation marker Lp-PLA2 activity was 27 Normal is equal or under 123 and I was told needed a stress test Wanted your opinion on these numbers. Also my card was compromised and I sent Bob an email with my new information Was worried my payment would not go through Thank you


Ever since my hip replacement surgery, I’ve been suffering with overactive bladder symptom of urgency to pee -feeling like I have a full bladder and I want to relieve myself of it, but I can’t 24/7 for 10 to 12 days straight before I got any relief with medication but it’s still not working completely and it’s on and off and it’s been hell. I have the gamyden copper I used it before but it didn’t help but I’m willing to use it again. How do I take it or do you have any other suggestions? Someone told me it’s my vagus nerve that’s overstimulated and I have to calm it. Do you have any suggestions for that?


It's Grant from Iowa. I have a somewhat long-winded question. The First part: I am concerned I re-aggravated my repaired hernia while helping a family friend push start a jeep. Primary symptom was a burning/stinging/itch sensation in the inguinal ring near the right scrotum, which was my chief complaint when I had the hernia initially. The area is also swollen and tender to the touch around the incision descending down towards the inguinal ring. I do not have the same pulling sensation that I had when I initially had the hernia, however. The second issue: While trying to soothe the itching/burning, I applied some essential oil blend that I reacted to harshly with a red, burning, stinging rash. The skin is burning/itching/stinging in the right groin and it is worsened by heat and improved by cold compress. I am currently on the 90 EN, have been taking 2) Selenium 3x per day between meals, 3) EFA Plus 3x per day with meals, Gluco Gel 4) 2x day for about a month. I went to the MD on the initial hernia recurrence symptoms and they weren't able to identify a recurrence with a physical exam touching the area and me coughing. I do have an appointment with my surgeon, but not feeling great about it since everything is a nail when all you have is a hammer. Any advice for me for addressing the possible recurrence as well as the contact dermatitis from the essential oil blend? Thanks in advance. Forgot to add that I had the hernia initially repaired in December of 12-23. It is a tissue repair. So about 6 months post surgery.


Good morning Favorite Conductor of Reindeer games, are you familiar with the natural path located in Walker MN dr. Gus Kaubisch Chiropractic, been in business for over 25 years. , Remember if we wake up each day, everything else is a bonus after we wake up to another day! Love MEL in MN


Hi Dr. Glidden, this question is in behalf of Bobbie. She can't be here because she is at work. My sister and I have been helping our brother, Bryan, follow your "Healthy Brain Protocol for Schizophrenia" from your website. He has followed it for ~2 1/2 months. We believe the group home has been administering the vitamins correctly. Overall, we have seen some positive changes; his attitude appears brighter, focuses on nature (talks about the birds, ducks, etc he saw that day). He also has lost weight, without this being a goal. Our question is that Bryan has increased talkativeness and impulsive speech. There is a new change, he becomes hyperverbal, will not finish the topic or allow us to make comments. At times he becomes mildly explosive, where he will abruptly shout out in frustration, "listen to me". This frustration can trigger some past negative thoughts and last a few hours. Do you think any of the vitamins can be causing this? Are there any vitamins you think we need to reduce or change doses? We are following the protocol as written except for the vitamin C. We had difficulty with the group home's willingness to follow this (trying to reach his tolerance level). He is not on any antipsychotic or prescribed mental health drugs. We appreciate your help and value your recommendation. Thank you! The Tenacity Sisters


I'm a 65 year old male the last year or 2 I have been dealing with pencil thin stools and occasional rush of diarrhea. A colonoscopy found moderate non- bleeding diverticulosis. Recommendations is to start a high fiber diet. MD says there is no known cure other than surgery to cut them out. I have started taking Tangy Tangerine 2.5 beyond Osteo fx, plant derived minerals and epa+.Can this be cured?


Hi Dr. G, Taking the 90! I’m 100% on board with “the body knows how to fix itself; we just need to give it the raw materials” BUT can you speak on this with regards to pregnancy troubleshooting? I feel like moms don’t have the luxury of TIME when we’re pregnant plus the MDs seem to create a lot of fear leading us to make quick decisions (like delivering early, or iron infusions) that we end up regretting. ***The MDs are pushing iron infusion (or at least iron supplementation) to get Hemoglobin & Hematocrit in the normal ranges for the 3rd trimester. Hemoglobin = 9.9 (healthy range 11-15.5) & Hematocrit = 28.7 (healthy range 30-45).** It’s hard to trust them when they can’t even cure pre-eclampsia.


New Subscriber. Do you have a recipe for baby formula? Everything that’s available is crap.

I will just say that I am on an annual subscription and I saw a ND near me. and one appointment cost me $200. I think what your offering is a bargain.


Good morning! Matthew from Palm Coast here. Hope all is well with you all. So this is a first for me, but I believe I may have a cold sore (two very small boil-like bumps in my upper lip, right hand side, with a tingling, slight burning sensation sometimes). Not sure how I got it, either way, I’m using the Silver Hydrosol Argentyn-23 from Fullscript (spraying it every two hours) though here’s the question: in your experience, is this now a recurring thing I’ll have to live with all my life like I hear many others do, or are you’re aware of a cure to prevent these in the future? Are there any tips to help reduce these in the future? Thanks as always, sir. All the best to you guys.


Hi Dr Glidden, I ask this partly because of financial interests. I don’t want to needlessly pay for something. It has been a while since I had my last clean. I am recommended to get a clean every 6 months. I remember one time I had my clean something like 2 years after the previous one and my teeth were full of plaque. Is there a way to clean one’s teeth effectively (read: no need to go in for a clean)? Thanks! Oops, new customer and Tony from South Dakota


Hi Doc. Greetings from Canada where we know how to start camp fires, just not so proficient in putting them out. I started your sleep apnea protocol. Q: the 4ml of the Good Herbs Respiratory Support twice a day - can I take with water or does it need to be taken straight in a shot glass?


Nate in Pasadena - Thanks as always for sharing what you know. We have been eating lots of cherries lately (short season) along with an apple daily. Our stools are looser but not watery. Is this a problem?

Mel from MN , before formula for babies was made, they used goat milk and its wonderful if you can find local raw, i drink a lot and nursing moms drink it a lot around me. warmed to correct temp for babies. everyone who drinks from my supplier says its not goat milk , no taste like store-bought goat milk.! which is Ultra pasteurized which kills all benefits.


6/25/24 Live Chat Q&A


6/13/24 Live Chat Q&A