6/25/24 Live Chat Q&A


Hi Dr Glidden. What do you think about the keto diet or the low carb diet? Compare to the low calorie diet. And which is better gluco gel or collagen products from youngevity?


In regards to the dialing in of absorption, is there a more detailed process you have to adjust according to urine color? Like, bright neon yellow?…., but already dialed back the doses a few times and have had no change in urine color…, so is the bright neon yellow urine color acceptable? Or do I keep dialing back the dosages until the neon yellow goes away?… fyi…(no gallbladder, on the 90, ultimate enzymes, efa’s and osteo fx.


Hi Dr. Glidden, You had recommended I get the CSA+P test during a live Q&A a while back. Results summary is below. Might be a bit much for a Q&A session, but wanted to know what you might suggest I do to help bring things back into balance? I can certainly set up a one on one consult. I have been regular with my stools, but experiencing lower back pain on lower spine and tailbone areas and pain in my lower front left abdomen. Massage helps. I am a bit gassy, too. Thinking I might be backed up a bit even though I am regular.

Aloha Dr. Glidden, You hear from me less and less. Thanks to you I am much better than when I first inquired of you. 🙂 I have 2 questions. I have a friend Natalie on other end. She is pregnant with a little girl due September 6. Baby is diagnosed with AVSD (atrioventricular septal defect) which means the septum that separates the ventricles and atria is not there. Baby also has down syndrome. Natalie is on prenatal vitamins. I remember listening to both you and dr. Wallach about how important certain minerals are for developing babies. Is there anything you could recommend for Natalie’s baby? Question 2. I will be traveling a long plane ride in September with a son. We both don’t like flying. Would you please help us to prepare this trip more manageable especially plane ride? Thank you so much. You know I believe you’re the best doctor in the world!

Hello Dr Glidden, what would you recommend for Paget’s disease please?
SuzyQ here, Got the check, doc, thanks! Much appreciated! Can you give me the list of the 30 Homeopathics that you recommend for the flu? When I got to your website, I believe the list is for #100, and #25, but I don't see the #30 that you recommend for the flu! I have a testimony, doc! The end of April, I woke up in the middle of the night, and couldn't get back to sleep, so took the C-pap off for three hours and went back to sleep and slept great! PTL! The next night I never put the C--pap on at all, and slept like a rock all night! I wouldn't have tried that if I wasn't on the 90! Praise the Lord, it worked! The next morning I packed up the C-pap back into it's bag, and said "GOOD RIDDANCE!" I have been sleeping like a rock ever since! Oh Glory To GOD! This is SOO FREEING to be FREE of that piece of JUNK! Can you give me the statistics of People diagnosed with sleep apnea again? I cannot recall the percentage. Doc, I just got a message from Youngevity that they were discontinuing the Ultra Microbiome! I do not know why  Ultimate Microbiome. When did you do your 63 hour fast, doc? I don't recall hearing that! Is this the one you have been talking about? 
Hi Dr G Tom from Tucson here does the success of good herbs products get altered by eating them with food or not or taking them with other liquids or a chaser thank you
I am feeling great even with only being able to afford one product. I can hardly wait until I can buy all of them.
Hi, Dr G. – Carolyne from Yanchep, WESTERN AUSTRALIA. – Thanks for all that you do. Have you heard of ‘a2 Cow’s Milk’? A2 referring to the type of Casein protein. A2 was more abundant in the cow breeds that dairy farms used to have. Several decades ago, large dairy farms stated using cow breeds with higher levels of A1 milk because they are hardier and produce more milk. Anyway, I have found that I am sensitive/slightly allergic to the A1 milk - get sinusitis, low grade inflammation, higher pulse rate etc. I have been drinking A2 milk lately and I am totally fine with it. (Yay). Just thought I’d pass this on, in case someone else wants to try the A2 milk as well. Do you have any thoughts on this? 
Jensen Beach here. Hiya Doc! Tomorrow will be our first day on the Healthy Start Pak. Figured out today that I will enjoy having a tart fruit juice on hand:-)
For my 'patient' with gut dysbiosis...bowel urgency, gas, bloating, constipation we also bought the Ultimate Microbiome. Q. what is simethicone (Gas-X) It seems to relieve discomfort, so is it a great big voo-doo daddy? Q. while sorting out all the discomfort and function, should he forego Fish Oil capsules? (we bought Projoba Omegas) He has the idea that fats will cause GI upset. What say you? 3 yr old with frequent nosebleed, often during sleep, sometimes spontaneous during day. always on the right nostril. Likely an anatomical weakness? Cauterize it? or..... calcium deficiency because....they live in PA, and they avoid sunshine for fear of sunburn and aging the skin. Diligent use of sun block, hats, sunglasses, long sleves. So, I figure she is vit D deficient and is not able to get calcium into the cell  tell us the Australian joke?...although I get a good chuckle out of the 'that dingo ate my baby'  there are two all natural recipes for baby formula on the Weston A. Price website. One is milk based, and one is liver based if there is a milk allergy. I just came across Humic and Fulvic Minerals at my health food store. You have educated me about plant derived minerals, so they got my attention. Are they equivalent to The Plant Derived Minerals? Did something trigger you to do your 63 hour fast?
Dr G, If you can't afford organic produce, is it beneficial to invest in a produce wash that removes chemicals? P.S. I've heard that insufficient sunlight can lead to a higher risk of skin cancer than excessive sunlight. Is there any truth to this, or is it a misconception?
I’m wondering if you have had good response from the cataract protocol? My daughter who is 35 tried it for about a month and didn’t see a change. Why would a 35 yer old have cataracts?
My husband has had sudden cognitive decline. He has had an MRI and several blood tests where they have ruled out most things including stroke, brain bleed or tumor. They have tested for Lyme Disease and many other things which have all been negative. He has had to take a medical leave from work as he can’t remember how to do his job. His memory loss has rapidly increased to the point where he does not remember where things are in the house or how to text or answer his cell phone. All of this started in mid May. His physician put him on a statin 3 years ago, and most recently in February doubled his blood pressure medication. We have a scheduled appointment with a neurologist, but it is more than a week away.
HI Doc, looking forward to signing up w,you again. always worth it - it's about learning always - writing i like too - did you see/hear the Steve Wallach interview and new products? lol - my eating is a adventure and definitely an experiment. i eat and supplement for the clear-mindedness and the improvement in thinking -- i get on the roofs to pay my way - that's about where i am at - hope your having a blessed day. i study the pysiology of ketones and "the phases of starvation' to regulate my metabolism and take the supplements. okay, my weaker systems are getting a stronger matrix - same i hope you have or your callers - Thanks Doc G- always look forward to your channel.
sorry if I submitted the question twice. Is there any connection between staying up late and bleeding gum? What's bleeding gum a sign of?  Do carbonated beverages interfere with mineral absorption the same way phytates do?
Good evening Dr. G It's Kathy from Michigan. You have told me twice of a homeopathic remedy for when I get out of my car and my low back aches and it goes down my legs, like their going to give out. Can't remember which of my remedies to take. It seems to last for about a year, after taking the remedy. Thanks again!
This is Gracie from Chicago. What do you think about reflexology and how do you treat gout?
My mom went to an orthopedic doctor who said her bone density test did not interest him but her PCP urged her to get it in the first place. What's the truth about bone density? My dad has had Parkinsons for the past 3-4 yrs and we have noticed more decline. He doesnt want to take medication and only homeopathics/herbs. What do you suggest is the best for combatting symptoms?
Good night doc. Are the Osteo FX tablets as good as the Osteo liquid?
Also what causes someone to bruise easily and what would you recommend? Additionally, what causes cellulite, particularly in the thighs? How can you get rid of this? Thanks very much.
Hello Dr G! Wendy here as a New Subscriber! Been listening to you for a few months and joined the Reindeer Games this week. I have my hubby on board with the 90 and for High Blood Pressure he’s trying to take the extra shots of Osteo, m3 times a day
Opps, Extra Osteo, yikes … sorry! Mineral and fresh squeezed OJ. But how much OJ? 1 ounce of juice of 1/2 an orange juice for each of the 3 doses? Thanks and sorry for this mess,
Hello Dr G ... I mentioned a few weeks ago about gift subscriptions to your website. Will it be possible ? .... Thanks .... George


6/27/24 Live Chat Q&A


6/21/24 Live Chat Q&A