6/27/24 Live Chat Q&A

Youngevity has discontinued their Ultimate micro bioam. What is your recommendation for replacement? Upset as I was seeing notable change after starting it last month. Thank you.


SuzyQ here, I got my Carol Blood Test results & I am quite surprised! It says I should eliminate milk and all milk products from my diet? So what is the substitute for no dairy products? Also any fish or other seaf food, even fish oil and Omega 3 from fish! Why? When I went on the 90, including the EFA's, the cracks on the ends of my fingers left and have not returned! Wow, how do they come up with this type of counseling, doc? Not sure I want to completely comply with all that is said there! Have you had this test done? I know someone who just had a baby and the little guy has been diagnosed with lip lock and tongue lock and was having trouble breastfeeding. The M.D.'s ended up doing surgery on him. Will this help, and is this from the mother being under-nutrified?


Most gluten free bread and crackers have oil in them. What kind do you recommend?


Hello Lisa here: what do you think of AG1? Have you got any advice for a toenail that keeps becoming ingrown?


this is Gracie from Chicago. my 4 yr. grandaughter has a fever and a tummy ache. how can I help her?


Hey Doc, it's Phil, I hope you're well. As I'm a curious guy who likes to learn, I was reading the Materia Medica, and I want to be sure I'm understanding the layout correctly: the first paragraph mentions the strengths and indications of the remedy; next is the effects on the body systems of healthy individuals (the closer you match to the symptomology, the more indicated the remedy is for you), then the next segment I have not yet researched (dose and similarities). Does my current interpretation seem about right? Also, I was trying to research what you said about the chemical byproducts from red meat - that affects hair. Is the chemical Trimethylamine N-oxide (TMAO) what you were referring to?


On Tuesday night you said I have leaky gut. While taking your remedy should I avoid eating certain foods like raw vegetables or nuts? Is organic Sorghum flour ok to consume? (Vs. Flour, oats, non organic corn) I had read that the prostate has a poor arterial blood supply and this might account for why so many men have an enlarged prostate. I have had reduced urine flow for about 7 years now and while I am taking the EN90/plant minerals/EFAs, the problem has not gone away, or gotten better. I am wondering if the problem might be because the arteries supplying blood to the prostate might be degraded (narrowed) or clogged? If clogged, what might you suggest I take to clean out the arteries? If degraded is there a remedy other than the EN90/plant minerals/EFAs? If I have leaky gut, am I prone to having allergies to a lot of food that I have consumed?


Good morning, doc. Matthew from Palm Coast here. Hope you guys are doing well. I’m sorry for the verbose one here so please skim if/as you need. Due to my stupidity and giving myself the unholy trifecta of high stress, constant sugar, and sleep deprivation all the week prior, I’m out sick from work with cold-like symptoms. My fiancee and coworkers believe it’s COVID (which, I know is bullshit) because others from my office are also out of work for the same symptoms, though they went to the their doctor and they did a PCR which “confirmed” COVID for them. Whatever, it’s a battle I’ll just ignore. Anyways… can I revisit my notes on my “cold care package” that I’m doing and let me know if you have additions/suggestions? On top of the 90, adhering to my intolerances, and avoiding the 12, of course, I'm currently doing the below: Fasting with fruit as the fast-breaker only when needed Plenty of Berkey water, exclusively Lots of rest; couch, chair, etc. No work No "medications"; going natural here **Herbal laxative before bed (see below) **Now, last cold I had, you mentioned a herbal laxative like Swiss Kriss, 6 before bed. Not sure if this was due to the specific nature of that cold due to just starting the 90 back then, but I did that last night only as this’ll be day 5 of these symptoms. Figured I’d give it a shot. Thanks doc, again, apologies for the verbosity.


Hi Dr Glidden is cardio beets good for the liver


Good morning Dr G, For my husband Michael (Mike) we would like to know your current protocol for diagnosis of atrial fibrillation and congestive heart failure. Recent hospital stay 5 days, ejection fraction rate 27%, extreme fatigue now high liver enzymes and high ferritin levels due to new meds, (sent email outline to Brenda today). Mike has concerns how good herbs + YGY will affect his Rx, MD said to lower sodium and stop magnesium, no red meat, ugh! Do spike proteins factor in any way? Desperate! Any thoughts on a glycocalyx test for blood pressure check? 74 y/o male, 250 lbs, 30 yr chronic afib, high BP, warfarin + bp meds

Larry from Casa Grande I am asking about your treatment for P.T.S.D. I have been using large doses of Vitamin Full complex of Vitamin B as I do not like the drugs the VA prescribe.


1 pls explain etiology and treatment for tonsil stone(s). ie., Are they signs of something else ? 2. Pls comment on air purefying (machines, types, methods, etc). 3. Pls pontificate on EMF and effects on health and humans, the environment and so forth. And “harmonizers” that purportedly lower EMF and essentially convert to beneficial frequencies. Thank you, David. Also,pls explain benefits of collagen on digestion. We know it is good for muscoskeletal - pls explain about gluco gel and how I could use to improve a bad GI status (so I’m told bc its a thing w autism, mental health, schizoaffective and so forth.) And what do I do besides 90E & 12 BF? What you recommend for the trifecta: ADHD, Autism, mental disorders)


zzcaptain - Hi Doc Glidden, so plants make good things for us too, e.g., oxygen, coffee. those two things wont break my fast intermittently, black pepper will. are the plants more on the black pepper amount of carb.s or the coffee amount of zero carbs. this is where my research quarterbacking is going. do you have input to this Doc, thanks - and very happy to make it today w/your community health warriors Doc, have a blessed day. i would start w/the silica maybe, anything else you could elaborate as a benefit for that supplement?


Lisa: do you know if and when Dr Monzo's frequency imprint spray will be available again?


Craig from Grants Pass. Can you Diagnose and treat Hypothyroidism over the internet of do I need to see a local Doctor, and Does the detox eliminate fluoride. thanks


Tony from Bowdle (“the middle of nowhere”) South Dakota. I am 66 years old and have an age-related question. I am fairly active. I take my energetic German Short-Haired Pointer for 6 walks a day (yeah, she’s spoiled!). I would not say I walk a lot but I walk enough. Now, I also have a workout and I no longer do any leg exercises because they are chronically sore due to the activity they already get. Is there any way I can maintain my activity level and have less sore legs and be less weary? Or is this yet another one of those things due to getting older? Oh, I have been taking the Youngevity Foundation Pack for 4 weeks. With respect to dosage, I weight 155 pounds.


My connection keeps cutting off. MTHFR is what I got from both parents. How do I treat that?

What about MasterPeace by Robert Young, ND?


Hi Dr. Glidden from Troy - What is your recommendation for skin cancer? Taking the 90 Essential. Dermatologist is Fluoroucacil


7/2/24 Live Chat Q&A


6/25/24 Live Chat Q&A