7/2/24 Live Chat Q&A

Stiff person syndrome. Celine Dion was reportedly suffering from it. Could you briefly go over what that condition is all about and if the MDs are of any help? Last time you said the acidity in Orange Juice helps with mineral absorption. So do beers and other carbonated beverages hamper absorption by interfering with stomach acid?


Hi Dr G. – Carolyne from Yanchep, WESTERN AUSTRALIA. – I can’t thank you enough. I have two questions if you have time. Question 1: I recall a long time ago many people used to wear copper bracelets for arthritis I think. Will wearing a copper bracelet enable the mineral copper to be absorbed into the body? Question 2: Does unwittingly eating a food one is a bit allergic to for many years (eg: dairy) cause chronically inflamed blood vessels and henceforth clogged arteries?


Hello Dr Glidden, we have a customer who has been taking the 90 nutrients, Minerals, Synaptiv and is successfully dealing with his Bi-polar. However, yesterday he was out shopping and just suddenly fainted. He went to get his blood sugar checked at the doctor but they could only check his blood pressure which was quite low. He said he is really low on energy still. The doctor couldn’t find anything wrong with his health but suggested as there is a flu virus prevalent in the community his immune system may be working hard to deal with that. What are your thoughts on why his blood pressure would drop suddenly and cause a fainting spell?


Dr G, Would you be comfortable with someone using carotenoids to achieve a year-round tan while also enjoying their antioxidant benefits?

P.S Can you do a webinar on homeopathic drainage?


This is Johnny from NC. My wife has a lot of painful cramping problems on the calves of her legs, especially when she is sleeping. She is taking 90 EN, takes one bottle EFA’s, one or selenium, and one Gluco gel liquid. She recently started your protocol of 1 oz of Plant Derived Minerals with 1 scoup of Osteo FX three times a day, with the last dose right before bedtime. She weighs 125 lbs. and is 5’5” tall. She has had cramping problem for years. Of course her Dr. has no clue. Do you have anything new to add to this? I personally have suffered with allergies for years. It doesn’t appear to be that seasonal, but rather irrational and inconsistent. I have recently heard you talk about dairy allergies and started removing anything dairy from my diet for a month. Should that include butter 😞 ? Would you recommend the Carroll test and if so how and where do I go and get one. I called my former allergy doctor and of course they don’t do the Carroll Tests. Was I surprised? NO! I love your podcast and want to keep listening.


Aloha Dr. Glidden, This is Wanee from Big Island Hawaii. I think I need to keep myself connect on live chat even though I am all better so you won’t forget me!:) With all your help I am back to normal activities more and more each day. Thank you My question continuing from last Tuesday about traveling difficulties. Feeling anxious about a long plane ride. One occasion I felt shaky and could’t breathe once plane was up 30,000 ft. You told me what to in the past but, I have lost the info. Thank you for all your help.


Hi Doc my optometrist examined me and shows that my left eye she said I have Pterygium and that I may need surgery and will refer me to a specialist. She stated it’s caused by my astigmatism , eye dryness and I’m sensitive to light. What do you recommend? I really don’t want surgery. Thank you always for your knowledge! Another question, this is for my military son….. his bp has been elevated and being referred to see cardiologist next month. I’m gonna start him on the 90essentials but are there any other he shall take? His readings are between 140/90. To sometimes 150/90, 30yo. Thanks again Doc for everything!

Hi Dr. G, Lynn from Pt. Pleasant, Jersey shore….Thank you for all you do….been part of your Reindeer games since last October with many successes….so grateful. Not only do I get up several times during the night to use the bathroom, now I am WIDE awake around 2AM and can’t go back to sleep….finally fall back to sleep early morning. Help…LOL….on the 90 Essential……What now? During my private appt. with you, you gave me a global homeopathic….should I try that? Thanks as always….


Hi dr glidden How are you. I saw Alex Jones show a few months ago a he put a video that is going viral about you speaking how the medical doctor have fail on curing cancer. Alex mentioned to invite you to his show again looking forward to it. I have a question which is better Ultimate daily classic versus good herbs Heart support. And what holistic prescription for a blood pressure medication in the meantime until your protocol starts working and wean off of it.


Two questions: (1) Is there a homeopathic remedy for a small wart near the left eye? (2) The common canine cancer, hemangiosarcoma, has been determined to start in the bone marrow. Do you have any thoughts as to what could be the cause?


Hi, Dr. Glidden. It is Joy from Maryland again. My mother is rehab after I told you she had a stroke. She will be able to swallow foods and drinks soon. Can you let me know what Youngevity products she needs to take again because I did not catch everything you said. Thank you so much. She had a herrographic stroke.


SuzyQ here,

Doc, what happened to your list of your "Top 30 Homeopathic Remedy Recommendations

That you had on your website? I was working on purchasing them but the list isn't there any more.

Why is that? Don't you recommend that list anymore? I was ordering from that list for my supply at the house. Please help!


Do you think it would be worthwhile to get a Carol

Blood test in a year again to see if anything changes or will everything stay the same?

Should I be ordering my HBA1C from Direct Labs instead of through the dietition at our local grocery store?

How do we know if we should be taking one or two scoops of Tangy Tangerine daily?

If you are on autoshipe with fullscript do you need to restart it?


Hiya Doc! Jensen Beach is on the island near Beach Haven. NJ. This week, concern for young boy (6 yr old) who looks sunburned, but his mom says that is his 'base line'. Yes, he has red hair and fair skin...but face and arms are reddish. He is also a bit chubby. Could this be a case of 'silent' inflammation? Is there testing that that should be done to figure out what might be causing inflammation? This is my first week on the Healthy Start Pak. Figured out this approach: In the AM I mix the Tangy Tangerine 10oz and drink it to wash down two EFA capsules....repeat in the afternoon.....then have the Osteo & Minerals with a tart juice just before bed. Good plan? Working out the plan so I can lure my family into doing it also. 😉 After a course of GI anti-biotics, how long might it take to restore the microbiome? oh, btw........while taking the anti-biotic 'flagyl' hubby had violent night time thrashing and kicking and boxing....so I searched for 'anti-biotic psychosis', and there it was! The first night after quitting it, the thrashing was milder. The second night milder still. The third night no thrashing. Wow! You are teaching us to be "doctors". Ha! For skin cancer last week you suggested making a paste with Ultimate Selenium and Argyntyn Silver Also use it to treat Warts. I thought you might have also suggested the watch battery and bandaid that conquered your melanoma. I mentioned that at a party and someone piped up that they knew someone who used a battery years ago...cancer never came back.


Do you know of any effective treatments or fixes for an ingrown toenail?…., other than “the type, size and shape of your shoes”?…

I asked you a couple weeks ago. A colonoscopy showed I have diverticulosis. MD says that is probably what is causing diarrhea. You told me to start taking ultimate microbiome. I have been taking the tangy tangerine osteo fx minerals and efa+. for about 2 months things seemed to get better until I started taking the microbiome. Should I stop taking it? before the colonoscopy I had a ultrasound it showed a shadowing of a gallstone doctor thought my gallbladder might be causing the diarrhea and I might have to have it taken out. I fired my Doctor.




Craig in Grants Pass. My wife still has a lot of age spots on her arms. I bought some Gamidon copper, do i give it to her as directed on the box. Thanks.


Hi Dr Glidden, thanks for all you do. Roman from Australia. My wife is better with her skin and itchiness. Hurray. Taking all the minerals, and avoiding the bad foods. At an age of 75 she is found to have poor bone density. GP advises an injection (Denosumab 60 mg/ml) twice a year. I checked the side effects which are very unpleasant, and in addition, based on what I know of minerals I have no idea how this injection will restore bone integrity. Her bones seem strong, had a few falls in the recent years, no broken bones. Anything else in addition to osteo Fx?


Hello Dr G ... My Good Friend was in Emergency Room yesterday with Extreme Pain and Extreme Sweating. After CAT scan and other tests Diagnosis is Pancreatis. He's on IV Pain meds, Antibiotics and liquid only Diet. He overcame Croens disease several years back ... What can be done to help him ? George


Hi Dr. G. Leslie here, PNW. The MD’s have moved the goal post for BP to 130/80. I’m perfectly ok with 130’s-140’s/70’s-80’s. No second agent added. Ongoing osteo and minerals. Don’t know if I will ever wean off beta blocker but perhaps something else needed? BP’s still running on the higher side, but so much better. Curious, who else may benefit from copper addition?

Direct Labs doesn't offer NJ...Is there a work around for ordering tests?


This is Gracie from Chicago. before my hip replacement surgery I was not on any drugs, but after the fiasco of” urgency to pee “nonstop 24 seven for 12 days straight in a row while I was in rehab -I was in hell and I let them put me on 2 medications to treat overactive bladder symptoms. but I think it’s the culprit that is making me feel tired a lot and not necessarily curing it . I Probably eventually should wean off of them.. I am afraid to completely stop because what if it is controlling it somewhat and it becomes totally and uncontrollable again like the disaster I went through right after my surgery


How do you feel about palm oil in baked goods or nonhdrogenated shortening like Spectrum? Does soy in baked goods need to be both non GMO and Organic?


7/9/24 Live Chat Q&A


6/27/24 Live Chat Q&A