7/19/24 Live Chat Q&A


Johnny from NC. My wife doesn’t care for the powder products in the 90 EN, because of the way it mixes and it’s grittiness. We have recently switched to the liquid Osteo FX and it’s much better. We are now considering switching to the Ultimate Classic to replace the BTT powder and wanted your opinion. The reason for using Ultimate Classic over the “unimpressive” BTT liquid is that it doesn’t have any phosphorus or manganese, plus the Classic has much more calcium (600 mg) with the phosphorus (80 mg), along with a full dose of “up to 77 prehistoric plant-derived minerals” (600 mg). With having a full dose of the minerals, I was wondering if I could eliminated the Plant Derived Minerals to help reduce the costs of the pak. What are your thoughts about this change and would you consider this as something you would recommend to others that are looking for an economical pak that supplies the 90 EN daily?


Hello Dr Glidden, Lisa here. Do you have a recovery protocol for Wernicks? Lisa again. This is a question I submitted yesterday: Hi Dr Glidden, Lisa here: about 18 months ago, I started following your protocols for arthritis which is in my kneecaps. Despite the odd flare up, I have the pain under control. About a month ago, pain started in my right hip and was radiating down to my right knee. The pain is at its worst after sitting, with the first couple of steps being the most uncomfortable. I weight train 3 x a week and use the hip abduction and adduction machines. I have recently increased the weight. Could it be related in any way to the arthritis issue in my kneecaps? I am thinking I could have strained something, but would that explain pain going down to the knee?


Hey Doc! Ken B. here. We can relate to your power outages, as we went a week witout it following Hurricane Beryl. Air conditioning is indeed a marvelous thing! I completed a 5-day fast about two weeks ago. I had also done a 3-day fast in May. I credit these, mostly, with the progress made in resolving my "brain fog" issue. However, my poor stool quality symptoms still plague me. I'm nearing the end of a 30 day course of Amy Myers' "Leaky Gut Resolve-Max", I've been taking I26 capsules (2-3x/day) and I've double my mineral intake. Any suggestions on my next move are greatly appreciated? Many thanks for getting me this far!!


Hi Dr Glidden. Gary Rhodes of Hamilton NJ here. Hope you are well. I’ll be having a colonoscopy done soon. I know the preparation is tough on the digestive system. What do you recommend I do following the procedure? Also, a friend is scheduled to have pacemaker put in. Is there an alternative that he could try first? Thank you! Lost the transmission


X-ray Protocol I took notes on your recommended X-ray protocol: Is this the correct protocol that you take 7 days prior to getting an X-ray?

Radium Boom 30c. Take for one week. (3 )pellets 2x/day for 7 days. In addition: Before the X-ray: Annatto E 300 6 caps before day of X-ray.

4 caps day of X-rays. 4 caps day after X-rays. 4 caps for the next2 days. Then stop. Is this all correct? X-ray Protocol I took notes on your recommended X-ray protocol: Is this the correct protocol that you take 7 days prior to getting an X-ray? Radium Boom 30c. Take for one week. (3 )pellets 2x/day for 7 days. In addition: Before the X-ray: Annatto E 300 6 caps before day of X-ray. 4 caps day of X-rays. 4 caps day after X-rays. 4 caps for the next2 days. Then stop. Is this all correct?


Hi Dr. G, can you speak to Febrile Seizures? What would you do if a toddler was having one? Would you ever expect a healthy toddler to get Febrile Seizures (my 2 year old is unvaccinated, takes the 90 essentials daily, eats well, and still nurses). THANK YOU!


Hello, this is Gracie from Chicago. I hear that cooking potatoes and then drinking the water from it will rebuilt cartilage. potato juice or potato water has a lot of health benefits. What do you know about it?


Greetings Dr. G from Ottawa, Canada, where we can send you some electrical workers (if you don't mind our accent). I fell off my bicycle a year ago and have had a clicking noise when I lift my arm over my head. May be tendon issues and scarring. Ruta and Symphytum have not done much. Brent from MTN suggested Good Herbs Circ Support to help with the scarring. Do you have any other options? Richard from Ottawa.


SuzyQ here, 1.How often should a person in their golden years get an eye test? The Carol Blood test also says I am deficient in Kali Mur! I understand that is Potassium chloride? Is this nother homeopathic from Hahnneman labs? They recommend 3 tablets Three times a day as long as they taste good. Any thoughts on this? Is your Glaucoma Protocal successful? I would like to try it!


My colonoscopy diagnosis was nonspecific colitis. I know it means inflammation but what should I take?

Hello Dr Glidden, Lisa here. Do you have a recovery protocol for Wernicks?

Lisa again. This is a question I submitted yesterday: Hi Dr Glidden, Lisa here: about 18 months ago, I started following your protocols for arthritis which is in my kneecaps. Despite the odd flare up, I have the pain under control. About a month ago, pain started in my right hip and was radiating down to my right knee. The pain is at its worst after sitting, with the first couple of steps being the most uncomfortable. I weight train 3 x a week and use the hip abduction and adduction machines. I have recently increased the weight. Could it be related in any way to the arthritis issue in my kneecaps? I am thinking I could have strained something, but would that explain pain going down to the knee?

V wants to know: How long do gluten molecules stay in digestive tract?

Gary Rhodes again with the questions on my friends pacemaker situation and me regarding a colonoscopy. My transmission cut out and I got it back when you were finishing up. Would you repeat what you said please.


What do you recommend for Anemia? Thank you, Maria


7/23/24 Live Chat Q&A


7/16/24 Live Chat Q&A