7/23/24 Live Chat Q&A


Hi Dr Glidden, I'm originally from Poland I live in NZ. I started the Pak and Mineral drink 10 days ago. My main issue now is sleep. My recent pattern is waking up at 3am, going to the toilet, then struggling to fall asleep for an hour or more. Then waking up every hour or so. Takes me 10 h to get rested. I started sleeping poorly and having hot flashes in 2019 (aged 39). I did a long term water-only fast before that in 2018 (38days), which might have brought the perimenopause on. I was vegan from Jan 2016 to Jan 2024. Consumed a lot of soy. My progesterone level was 0 in May 2020. oestradiol was 30 ng/dL in Jan 2024. I started supplementing both hormones in Jan, 125mcg oestradiol and 100mg progesterone.

Also added testosterone for a few months, which helped with dryness. Im now on 400mg progesterone only. I've been trying to resolve the sleep and other issues by supplementing with Calcium Citrate, C, D3, B complex, K2, DHEA, 400mg micronised progesterone, 25 mcg oestradiol, L-Tyrosine, 5-HTP, Ashwaganda, NMN, TMG, Resveratrol, Taurine, Collage, EPA & DHA, wild yam oil, Serrapeptase (for my knee proplem i've had for 25yrs), Mag L-Threonate, Zinc, Lugol's Iodine, L-Glutamine, and recently also DIM & Milk Thistle The biggest difference I noticed was due to high progesterone. When I started the Pak, I stopped all the other supplements except for progesterone. The first night I woke up only once at 1:20. Second night slept through. Third night woke up at 3 but fell back asleep and had a very deep rest. Then it strated to get worse and worse. Last night was the same pattern as before starting the essential 90. I'm 44yo 5'10" 165lbs.

79 female in nursing home,history of thrombotic stroke. Breakout of Covid, tested positive and placed on isolation. No temperature, no cough just oxygen sats down, so placed on oxygen 2-4L. Oxygen sats up between 91% and 94%. What can I give her to up her lung function and her immune system? Has to be able to put into the Osteo and minerals. If one is using Sulfur for pain in 30C and it’s giving about 75% relief, do you up it to a higher strength? What strength is next?


Hey doc, Matthew from Palm Coast here. As always, hope all is well with you guys (and Bob) over there. Apologies for the downer, but I've been battling this for over a year. How do you know when you're depressed from just dealing with unhappiness with your situation (relationship, work, conflict, etc.) or when you're just depressed due to nutritional deficiencies (or blood sugar imbalances)? Secondly, I've looked through your homeopathic recommendations list on your depression section of your website and couldn't find a match, then again, broadcasting what's up in front of everyone isn't exactly a thrilling idea either (sorry fellow students, you're cool and all, but you know how it can be). Just curious your thoughts and suggestions. Thanks, doc, as always... your loyal follower.


Hey doc, it’s Phil 🙂. Hope you’re well! When taking Argentyn-23 through a nebulizer, how would you dilute the Argentyn-23? Also, I was reading through my textbooks about colloidal silver, and they would mention a side effect of Argyria (where your skin turns bluish-gray) if you take it for an extended period of time. I’m curious what your thoughts and experiences are with this?


Mel and Mike Hawkins here, good evening! So what can I do to relieve what I believe to be a ganglion cyst on top of my foot? Have had it before, it disappeared, now back about size of a kidney bean. ??? Also, a friend is urging me to try Asea Redox, are you familiar with it? Supposed to be immune support.. Just curious. I did purchase some quanta water awhile back but haven't use it yet. My hunch is they might be similar.


Dr G, I've noticed that you've been recommending coconut water to people recently. Could you share the reasons behind this suggestion? P.S I bought Flaxmilk that has 1200mg per serving of omega 3. Knowing this, would this be an easy way to get extra omega 3 into the body in addition to taking fish oil? Would you encourage people to drink flaxmilk for this reason?


Good evening Doc! MN Sara here. I have a client who is watching via zoom with me. I've asked her to describe her symptoms. Here they are in her words: 76 y/o female, Three Summers ago sudden discomfort in neck noticed upon daily walk. Increased over time where difficult to walk upright. Head began dropping lower and lower. Tried practicing walking with head up and eyes leveled straight ahead. Discomfort increased. Began periodic Korean back messages which caused me to be more focused on correct posture when walking. Practice moving neck as much as possible.

Feels as if my head is too heavy for me to carry on my neck. Heard your current radio broadcast and ordered your suggested products. 76 y/o female, full-time college student, active in ministry, no health problems other than concerns listed above, no medications other than today's start of your products. Praying For A Miracle Thank you - MN SARA 🙂 PS - She has just received the foundation pack and gluco-gel caps today.


loha Dr. Glidden This is Wanee. I have update. Some time in April I had introduced to you Jason with symptoms nausea, muscle/body shakes, heartburn, back and neck tension, headache, sleeplessness, weight loss. You had recommended youngevity supplements and now he is all healthy!

Thank you for what you. We so appreciate. By the way, you’re right other person from big island is my friend. 🙂 Larry send aloha to you.


Kelly from Idaho. My husband Tim is a liver transplant recipient in 2020. Because of the medication he was on before the transplant and now the anti-rejection medication (Cyclosporine) his kidneys are taking a dive. He is in Stage 4 from what his charts say. When they lower the anti-rejection medication, his kidneys rebound. However, I feel they are not giving him solutions and are wanting him to end up with a transplant. Is there a way he can repair his kidneys? And if so, will your recommendations interfere with his anti-rejection drugs? Also, he has a lot of fluid retention in his tissues, from his legs to his abdomen and now arm. Any suggestions? Weight 190lbs


Hello Dr.G can MSM be taken daily? Also, how about Hawthorn Complex?


Hey Doc, I received all my product for the ringing in the ear protocol. Couple weeks ago you suggested to do 16oz of coconut water, good herbs lymphatic bottle and 4 bottles of plant mineral along with the 90+. How would you suggest taking all these to get the best absorbtion.


Per my gout condition. How did gluten cause my gout syndrome in the big toe? I thought it's only possibly by eating high purine food. When eating a large amount of gluten, how long does it normally take for the intestine to heal itself? Idk if how I came up with this outrageous idea but how does putting Plant derived minerals in the coffee enema fluid sound?


Greetings Doc; Paul fm Fredericksburg here... Could you go through a brief on things beyond 12-bad foods / lack of proper nutrification which may contribute to kidney failure issues? In general, the 3 categories of stressors are always in mind (physical, chemical, emotional), but some specifics, if I may. Thank you for your insights... I looked through the videos on your site, & in your books; couldn't see anything... I could have missed something. Closest one was on the adrenals; good video (as usual). A note on colloidal silver: The only time silver suspensions cause Argyria is when anything other than pure silver & distilled water is used in preparing it. I have been making & using it for 22+ years.


SuzyQ here,

1.I heard I may have to get a diagnosis for my deformed toenail before I can get Accupuncture, is that correct? If so who would I see? I also hear you can take Accupuncture for overall well-being.Are there clinics for that? I did something called a Zyto Scan and found that my body is mildly stressed. Is there something that I can take for that?


Nate in Pasadena - Thanks as always for your time - what does a triglyceride measurement of over 600 imply, and how can this be corrected?


Betsy asks: Can you talk about Avascular necrosis please? I understand that blood flow and oxygen to a joint can be cut off by trauma causing the bone to die. Once circulation has been restored, is there a nutritional or herbal protocol you might use to speed recovery? Thank you!


I think the benefit of 4th phase water is that it helps to make the body alkaline. Is that true? If so shouldn't we be doing as many things as we can to alkalize ourselfs? such as grounding and ionic foot baths?


Hi ya Doc! Jensen Beach here. For my 'patient' who is 8 mos post colonoscopy and still struggling with IBS, what do you think of getting a fecal transplant? he just finished his third course of anti-biotics, and we are waiting to see if he 're-lapses' back to square one.


What are your suggestions for weight loss? Specifically need to lose 150 lbs. Kathy - Arlington Heights Dr. Glidden, what are your suggestions for losing weight - about 150 lbs. Thanks. Sorry for repeat question, I keep forgetting to add my name first.


If you have a potato intolerance and told to avoid Vit A Palminate, is tghere an issue using the Tangy Tangerine?


Jon from Montana..last week i strained my sciatic nerve sleep has been difficult,tried looking at homeopathic meds ,would like your suggestions,please


Larry from casa grande az What is the treatment for sleep apnea.


Hey Dr shoulder and back have improved since I increase the osteo fx to three times a day. I've been meaning to ask do you know a vet Dr I could reach out too? I've actually been giving my Dog the 90 and since she has stomach issues, I've used your recommendation of aloe vera juice Microbiome and she has really improved since. Thank you for all you do! She is almost 17 and the vet recommended me putting he down because she isnt eating but because of the aloe juice , Aloe juice was a recommendation on the stomach ulcer on the website. She is eating drinking and goes to the bathroom regularly she doesn't seem to be any pain and isn currently sleeping. so I'm going to keep trying. She is also staying away from the 12 bad foods I feed her fresh pet. She also take homeopathic pain for dogs and some cbd


Hello Dr Glidden. My Mum has been on the Youngevity pack but the groin lumps still remain despite using the the Rhus Tox. 200K. She has had a medical check and they didn't find anything but doctor suggested surgery which she doen't want. What else can she use to dissolve the hard mass on her groin. Thank and God bless.


Does mineral vitamin supplements hurt people with cmt charcomarie tooth and certain exercises? What really is charcomarietooth?


He just curious, do you need to know for sure you have parasites to take the full moon anti parasite cleanse or is this method for anyone that wishes to cleanse the body? Also a friend had a blood clot in her leg and now takes blood thinners! Is it wise for her to take the omega’s I.e the Rosita cod liver oils with the vitamin d? Thank you for your advice.


Hello. Would like to know what causes facial hair on women? Is this a hormone imbalance? Another question please; If I press on the inside of either knees and about 4" up it is quite sore. I have had this for least 20 years of so just never question this too much.


Hi Dr. Glidden, This is Marisha. I have a client who had broken her foot 8 years ago and they put titanium hardware in it during surgery. Her leg and foot have purplish discoloration and she has a lot of pain in it still. She suspects that she has an allergy to titanium. How can she test for the allergy? And if allergic, should she have the titanium removed? Thank you so much!


Norridgewock TheKali carbonicum and the sfo drop help on working pretty good the last few days about 3 or 4 in the afternoon I start to get anxiety am taking the Kail C every 3 hours1tesp. and 9 dropes ofs twice A day .What do you suggest Loretta No help on back pain or itching.

Hello Dr G ... I've asked you in the past about offering Gift Subscriptions to your Website available What are your thoughts on that ? An example ... 3 month Gift subscription. I'd Like to give out about 6 Gift Subscriptions to the Sick People I know. Thanks ... George

Good night doc. What do you recommend for torn ligaments in the shoulder or a strained shoulder?


7/25/24 Live Chat Q&A


7/19/24 Live Chat Q&A