7/25/24 Live Chat Q&A


Greetings Doc, Unfortunately, my sister cant speak english that well otherwise I would make her come here and ask questions herself. Im not one that mollycoddles and solves problems for others. Anyway, she went for a checkup the other day and ultrasound scan discovered a lump in her breast. No pain so far according to her. Doc recommended a biopsy and wanted to charge $1000 for it but I told her that money is better spent on supplements. She's off the 12 bad food but currently takes no supplement. What protocol should she be on? Your insight is greatly appreciated. She's also suffering from burnout at work. What should she do?


Johnny from North Cakalacky. My son has been diagnosed with severe arthritis in his thumb joint and his doctor wants to scrape the joint and do a tendon overlap? procedure, which is suppose to be a very painful procedure that he would like to avoid. He weigh’s 180 lbs. He is on the 90EN, PD Minerals along with Gluco-gel capsules, and MSM Ultra. He has other arthritic pain in his back. He is avoiding the 12 bad foods. What would you suggest? Random question: Are tomatoes inflammatory?


Hello, this is Gracie from Chicago. You’ve said chlorine is really bad for you. What about the chlorine in public pools? Is that bad for you as well? And what do you think about neck and back ablations to relieve chronic neck and back pain? It usually lasts for several months. An ablation is where they burn the nerve.


Larry from Casa Grande, Arizona. I have noted you wrote several books are they for sale? if so where?


Dr. G- What are your thoughts on Youngevity Cal/Mag 100 as cost effective alternative to Osteo FX? I notice it does have Calcium carbonate which you mentioned is maybe not the best form of calcium to intake. The cal/mag container says it's supposed to be very absorbable, would you agree? Thank you!


Hello Dr Glidden. Thank you for taking my question. I’ve been experiencing thinning, dry brittle hair, so I ordered the Apex mini thyroid. Asking for your thoughts please on results. T3 total 73 (range 76-181) T-3 uptake 29 (22-35) T-4 7.5 (5.1-11.9) Free T4 2.2 (1.4-3.8) TSH 0.71 (0.40-4.50). I appreciate you and have learned so much! Best money I’ve spent being a subscriber! Julie.


I am experiencing spasms/ tingling in my head. Presently taking the healthy body start pk 2.0, gluco gel, plant derived minerals and just added selenium . Please advise


Craig from Grants Pass. Good morning. My wife has been on the 90 for 1 1/2 years, i read the book by Broda O. Barnes on Hypo-thyroidisum. I took her to the MD's, that was a big mistake, they refused to help her because the blood tests were all normal. We have done the things you recommended but she is still suffering, what else can i do to help her. These are her problems. Fatigue, head aches, dry skin, cancer, dizziness, dementia, difficulty swallowing. On the 90 Her hight blood pressure has dropped to 100 over 68 and has solved a lot of other problems. Thank you very much.


Doc: Moka here: which are the best vitamin C and K2? Thanks a bunch Also I woke up one morning with an explosing noise from my right ear only. Any idea. Never happened before

Hi Dr Glidden, This is Tony from Bowdle, South Dakota. My question is partly mitigated by my having bought SIXTEEN loaves of Ezekiel 4:9 bread (purportedly sprouted organic grains). (The quantity enabled free shipping.) This was just before finding out about you. Regarding grains, I have seen so many views – gmo, glyphosate, gluten intolerance (everyone versus some). For more context, I am a theist and believe our world was given for us, the grains included. All this being said, how is it that you have the position on these grains that you do with certainty? Do you think grains were always bad for us and if not, what happened (did we change, did the grains change, or both)?


SuzyQ here, I had a friend who had been diagnosed with Essential Tremors many years ago. When I would see her, you could see her head just shake at times.She suffered with this for many years, and then , when the Covid jab came around, she took it, and then I watched her go down hill very quickly, and she passed just last year! It was hard to watch! I imagine this was from under nutrification, for sure? She said essential tremors ran in her family. I have a Sacariliac joint issue that developed many years after getting a histerectomy, and then I was coming down a ladder and missed a step, jarring my body and came down hard! Will taking the Osteo and the 90 relieve all of this? I do floor exercises daily to keep the pain at bay, which has been helping. Will I need to continue these exercises forever? So is there an amount that you would suggest that we take when taking Selenium, doc?


Newer subscriber. I'm taking the 90. Any recommendations for what they call Mast Cell Activation Syndrome, aka MCAS? I do not have the anaphylactic reactions.


Which fish oil do you recommend? The Rosita fish oils or vital fish oil 800. I agree also your subscription is the best money I’ve spent all year. Thank you!


From Soosa. Hi Dr. Glidden- Thanks for being our reliable health advocate.I bought Dr. Alphonso Mondo’s CVA3 spray for spike protein mitigation. Do you use that product and do you know when I should use it? Daily? Or only when exposed to vaccinated people? Can I use it along with Argentyn 23 if I have cold or flu symptoms? Many thanks!


7/30/24 Live Chat Q&A


7/23/24 Live Chat Q&A