7/30/24 Live Chat Q&A


I got my blood analysis 5 years ago and it said my uric acid was high. I ordered Mother tincture of Urtica Dioica last week. Will it help with my uric acid as well as my gouty thing? what's a gallbladder polyp a sign of? Is it something that needs to be addressed?


Johnny from North Cakalacky. I talked to you on Thursday about my son being diagnosed with arthritis in his thumb joint and his doctor wanting to scrape the joint and do a tendon overlap? procedure. Your wanted more details... It’s in both hands, but worse in the left. It is a sharp type of pain and only when he moves the thumb or grabs/turns something. The location of the pain is at the base of the thumb where it connects to the palm. No pain when he is not using it. There is nothing visual. He has had PRP (platelet rich proteins) injections in both thumbs that did not help. Nothing seems to take the edge off of the pain. He has had no known trauma/injury, it just gradually started about two+ years ago. He also has other pain in his left hip (assumes is arthritis???). Only relief is to turn over to the other side. Has not been diagnosed by an MD on this one. Another question: I heard you talking about taking too much selenium. What would be a good maintenance level of selenium for a 200 lb man. I take about 450 mcg.


Hey Doc, have you ever dealt with anyone who had Schizophrenia, and was it linked to gluten dairy and fried foods?

How do you get someone to stop eating these foods they also noticed skin and moles showing up but still choose to eat these things. I was able to get them to do the 90 essentials but what's crazy is they are now craving more gluten dairy and chips! Stress and vaccinations have also played a role. They did stop getting the vaccines in 2019.


Dr G, Is goat's milk better for everyone when compared to cow's milk, or just for those who have a sensitivity to dairy? Additionally, what causes lactose intolerance? P.S. Is there a limit to the amount of sugar you recommend people eat per day?


My daughter follows a no carb diet and has not lost a: single pound . She also has digestive issues . She bloats terribly after eating her no carb diet. We got back her food sensitivity test and it says she moderately sensitive to beef, Coco Coco pepper, black pepper, apples and bananas mildly a sensitive to chicken, eggs, gluten broccoli, cabbage. My daughter is 21 years old is unvaccinated for COVID-19. I forgot to mention that she’s also mildly allergic to sugar if she eats any type of carb or whatever it sends her into horrible pain from bloating. can you please suggest a protocol of how to get her back on track.

Mike and Melody Hawkins here, Northern Illinois, Hello Dr G, Just checking in and letting you know Mike has switched to the homeopathic pellets, Sulfur 200c and says getting some energy back. He has been following all protocols, eating clean, and now adding a bit more exercise. Thank you! Also forgot to mention his liver enzymes are back to normal!!!!! PS.. Please send Mike the link for American State National Movement.


I was thrown into menopause abruptly at the age of 55 when my husband died suddenly of a heart attack. I went on bio identical hormones shortly after. I am now 73 and still taking them. Now I’m concerned about stopping them. What do you suggest? I wish I knew about you then. I would have never started them


I am considering a consult with an orthopedic specialist due to chronic back pain from an old back injury. He would like to see a lumbar X-ray to start with and possibility an MRI later on if physical therapy is not helpful. What can I do to prepare for the x-ray in terms of homeopathy and supplementation? I have been taking the 90 and avoiding the 12 bad foods for several years.

Are the 30 Homeopathics on your website yet, doc? Just checking in! Doc, can you help me with this? What can I eat if I can't eat seafood? Just beef, chicken and pork? And did you say you tested the same as I am? If so how do you handle this? Can you give me your thoughts on Flucoiden (Z-Radical? If I am sensitive to seaweed (according to the Carol Blood test) , and things of the sea, can I still take it? I found out my astigmatism has gotten worse according to the eye dr. Is there something I can do to help improve it? Thanks for all your help!


This is Gracie from Chicago. I have chronic neck pain that goes from one side to the other. . It feels like a terrible tightness. I’m trying to avoid getting a neck ablation and do something natural. Do you have any suggestions besides 90 EN and stay away from the 12 bad foods. I’ve been taking Osteo FX and gluco gel about a year and a half now and everything else. I’m trying to figure out what else I can do to help myself not feel the tightness and pain without spending more money. Can not afford to double up on the Osteo FX.

Hello Dr Peter Glidden,, Gracie here from Melbourne, Australia. A Friend's husband has been diagnosed with Osteo radiation necrosis, Nasopharyngeal carcinoma 10years ago had Tumour behind ear /chemotherapy/ radiation affected his Lymph nodes on right side, wife not sure if this is from the Fumes from the Printer ink Aluminium exposure of his previous work? How can we help him for the osteo radiation necrosis ? thank you so much, you're a legend, cheers Gracie


We are fairly new subscribers, been watching videos in member content and been on the foundation pack for a month plus. Before addressing specific health issues, macular degeneration, glaucoma, knee joint, etc., how can we be sure we are getting maximum absorbtion of the nutrients? Thanks. Clair & Joan from PA


Larry from casa Grande , Arizona I noted that you talk about Argentyn 23 on your show. I just bought a bottle. I am amazed that it is as stronger than sovereign silver by more than 100%. Is there any recommendation of dosage for maintenance.


What causes cracks in the corners of my lips especially when taking bee pollen or B complex vitamins?


Hi I purchased the products for the full moon parasite cleanse, 3 questions, will the skullcap in the nerve support make me sleepy? Why do you have to do at least one day on a full moon and finally will I need to be close to a washroom (or is it not that type of cleanse


For skin cancer a few weeks ago I was surprised you recommended selenium capsule poured out into ?what? and then rub it on the skin lesion. I was expecting you to say use a watch battery and bandaid to hold it on the skin cancer. I am just getting around to asking you if both therapies are valid.


Good evening, Dr. Glidden. Matthew from Palm Coast. If there are a lot of questions left tonight, please disregard mine for now and I'll ask about again later. I've taken up plenty of question slots over my time here so far. You mention chem-trails fairly often on your postings on X. I was curious if you could explain that just a little futher sometime. Thanks Dr. G. God bless you and Bob for what you do.

Craig from Grants Pass. i got my wife a thyroid test. The T3 uptake was 33 on a scale of 22-35%. T4 was 6.9 on a scale of 5.1 to 11.9. The T4 was 2.3 on a scale of 1`.4 to 3.8. the TSH was .92 on a scale of .40 to4.50. and total T3 was 89 on a sale o 76 to 181. her basil temp is 97.2. do you see any problems with these numbers. Thanks

Hi doctor Dr. GliddenI am still waiting for the Lycopodium Clavatum 1 M I am still taking the Kali C the anxeity is much bertter but the back pain is not better and the itching is real bad waking up every 2 or 3 hours .I seems to be bending over more every day.Loretta The old lady


8/1/24 Live Chat Q&A


7/25/24 Live Chat Q&A