8/1/24 Live Chat Q&A


Hey doc, it’s Phil 🙂. I hope you’re well! In your Medicine Cabinet video, you mention taking the 200c remedies through a spray, in addition to the whole pellets. Is there a reason for suggesting the spray in this video, and rarely hearing it in these QnA’s?

For a few years, I’ve had a soft spot on one of my molars. After Matt introduced me to you, and I started doing what you said, my dentist said my soft spot was gone! However, I just left the dentist today, and he says it’s back, and he wants to fill it with resin~ I’m hoping for another way.. preferably one that fixes the problem rather than covers it up. I’m on the 90, off the 12. Taking the Osteo and Minerals at night, in a shot glass (swish and swallow) after I brush my teeth. Do you have any other suggestions?

This is Gracie from Chicago to continue on with the neck pain issue from Tuesday,.. I discovered when I move side to side with my neck, It hurts more on the left side and that’s the side of my bum shoulder. It’s very arthritic - bone on bone you could say. that has probably something to do with my neck pain because it’s the same side. I took the recommendation of Jensen on the chat room to see a chiropractor and get adjusted on my possible frozen Atlas. I did that yesterday. It did help somewhat yesterday but today it’s painful again.

Doc: moka here, did you get a chance to find which vitamin c would be best? Thanks a bunch. Why is the Osteo fx liquid now so thick? Almost like a paste.


Would the beet juice clense and the Good Herbs liver/gallbladder health remove toxins from the liver? If so would this manifest as a red skin rash with pustules/pimples? The liver produces. What is bile composed of?


SuzyQ here, Can we use Organic date sugar instead of real sugar? It's made from dried dates, and tastes pretty good! Is there a webinar about the "Spiritual force within our bodies on your website? I would like to learn more! Even God says in His Word that we are fearfully and wonderfully made! Glory to His Name! God knew what He was doing when He created us! (Psalm 139:14) What's the best eye-cup to use? I see there are so many on the internet! Glass or plastic? Is raw coconut Butter (out of whole coconut puree) considered the same as oil in a bottle?


I'm having pain in my right middle toe metatarsal joint. Hurt when walking or exerting force. I'm also experiencing pain in the right upper sternal joints. I believe they happen at the same time. Don' Don't know if there's any relation. Is there any remedy indicated for this?


Hi Doc - Testimonial! 2 months ago, my hubby with High Blood Pressure went all in on the 90 + Minerals, OsteoFX, Selenium & EFA’s. 3x’s a day, he did OsteoFX & Minerals with freshly squeezed OJ. And he completely eliminated the 12 Bad Foods. On 5/28 his BP was 156/92 on 2 med’s (Amlodipine & Losartan). Today his BP is 113/72 and completely off all the BP med’s gradually over the 2 months and lost 22 pounds. Victory! Thanks for all your great advice!

Dr. G, my 4 year old son fractured his tibia on Monday, but fortunately he just required a cast and no surgery or setting it. Do you recommend any homeopathic meds to help the healing process?


Can you recommend where I can take a course on homeopathy. I took an introductory course many years ago and looking for something a little more advanced. Thank you, Gary


What do you think of colonoscopies? And the Podophyllum you previously recommended for diarrhea - can it be taken routinely?

Doc. What copper supplement do you recommend for for hemorrhoids? There are a few different ones in your store. Thanks for all you do.

Hey Doc! Ken B. here. I'm looking into sources for colon hydrotherapy in my area per your suggestion. Should there be any concern with someone battling leaky gut getting colonics? I would think not since the hydrotherapy is relevant only to the large intestine so far as I understand. Thanks so much for your expertise and guidance.


Hi Dr Glidden, Lisa here: What do you think of all the fear mongering re bird flu? I am wondering how people will react this time. What are your thoughts?


There is another prod I believe called healthy Gut and Microbiome by Youngevity, doc!


Hello, this is Gracie from Chicago. I’ve been getting a lot of flareups of overactive bladder symptoms of urgency to pee. I’m on two medication’s for it which is not helping anymore. I’ve tried three different homeopathic remedies. maybe I should try it again. I’m thinking of even getting a Botox treatment for it out of desperation, it’s hard to live like this. I even invested in a online classes to treat this problem with different modalities and exercises which I just started. I have a prolapsed uterus and bladder as well, which doesn’t help matters. even with a pessary part of my organs are protruding out. I’m trying to gammadyn copper again for two months twice a day. I cannot afford a private consultation with you sorry. I gave up drinking coffee and chocolate and wine for three weeks now and it didn’t make a difference. I might have a slight case of interstitial cystitis.

I have had overwhelming sensations throughout my body. Diagnosed as IBS many other symptoms.

A while ago, I sent in an email about a private question as well as asking about a vaccine exemption. I understand you're busy, but since we have a light-house today, how can I prepare to work with you to get a vaccine exception for my workplace?


8/15/24 Live Chat Q&A


7/30/24 Live Chat Q&A