8/15/24 Live Chat Q&A


Greetings Doc, Last time you told me to try Calcarea Fluorica 200C. I only have 30C at hand, how do I make do with it?


What method do you recommend to remove ear wax that is lodged near the ear drum and diminishing ability to hear? Not sure if the wax is soft or hard at this point or how long the build up has been there. I do have a bit of pain in the ear as a result of the wax being lodged next to the ear drum. Shying away from the store bought peroxide solutions so also asking if those are safe? Last December I had an allergy skin scratch test done by a regular allergist. They found that I was allergic to cinnamon. I also had the Carroll Test and it did not show a sensitivity to Cinnamon. My recent A1C Blood Sugar is 5.7. You suggested I consider taklng Sweet Eze: 2 bottles of Sweet Eze per month for 3 months. I discovered it has 200 mg of Cinnamon per capsule, so I would be taking 1,600 mg of cinnamon per day for 90 days. What do you recommend I do? I see there is a product called Glucogenix made by Youngevity that is supposed to help with controlling blood sugar. Do you recommend Vital Nutrients' Selenium over Youngevity Ultimate Selenium?


Johnny from Raleigh, North Cacalacky… I have been diagnosed with plaque build up in my arteries. I am now on the 90EN and have removed the 12 bad foods from my diet. I talked to you on Tuesday and you said you would post a new protocol on Wednesday. I am not sure where? Is there any danger in removing plaque as far as big pieces possiblely breaking off on causing problems? Also, I received my Carroll test results back and they are recommending for me to stop eating potato and also the combination of any fruit and sugar being eaten together. They have a list of sweeteners that I can use in the place of sugar: • Honey • Pure maple syrup • Barley malt • Corn syrup • Rice syrup • Fructose • Stevia • Xylitol, erythritol. Agave is not on the list, is ok to use as a replacement too? They also recommend using silicea 6x – 3 tablets - 3 times a day. My allergy symptoms are year-round and are severe (clogged nasal passages, runny nose, sneezing, and drainage). Do you have anything to add to this protocol? Thanks for all that you do!

Good morning Doc, it's Phillip - hope you're well. I'm not sure if this is within your scope, but my hair does not seem to get oily over time, rather it tends to dry out. My thyroid tests were within range, I'm on the 90, I drink Berkey Water and shower with a Berkey Shower filter. I'm also following your asthma protocol right now. Do you have any suggestions? Also, as un update, I finished the causticum a few weeks ago and there were no changes to my wart. However, due to an accident, my wart became exposed, so I covered it with colloidal silver and a band aid until my skin was covering the wart again. My wart is now much smaller, but it seems to be slowly returning back to its size before I started the causticum. :'(


I was listening to your thyroid protocol. I wasn’t aware of the association with the curve in my neck. I have scoliosis. Can that be the reason I don’t have much curve? I see a chiropractor once a week.

This is Benjamin O from the Bronx, New York City. For almost 12 years i have been suffering from nail fungus and funky blood sugar. 2 months ago i went for the A1C test which read 6.0 Please help. Also my blood pressure for the 3 months has went up to 168/94. For the past 3 months ihave following your protocol for high blood pressure-liquid osteo-fx, 4 caps of 3 times a day EFA plus and tangy 2.5 I have not taken anything for the blood sugar.please could give me a list to stay off apart from 12 bad foods.


My wife has been diagnosed with impingement rotor cuff tendinitis. wants to know what might help with it.

Aloha Dr. G, Larry got new cast yesterday. Bruises are getting are fading and swelling is going down. He is humming around the house I am pretty sure that means he is feeling better. Visited his local primary care and got so disappointed. The doctor demanded Larry take statin drugs even after Larry told him he didn’t like statin when he tried about 8 years ago. I asked the doctor what are the side effects and what is the percentage cholesterol does brain need he didn’t answer either. Larry’s total cholesterol somewhere 267. The doctor didn’t even go over Larry’s blood work so I went online to check myself and this is what I have found. Glucose Normal range: 70-99, his was 105 BUN Normal range: 7-25 Larrys were 28. I suggested to Larry as Doctor Glidden would say fire your doctor.


It's Grant from Iowa. I have been told that "heart disease" runs in my family. My father had a quadruple bypass procedure when he was 43 years old (I am 40) I have been on the 90 EN for 8 months and take 1 bottle of Ultimate Selenium per month. I also avoid the 12-bad foods and do about 30 minutes of exercise per day. I don't believe it's genetic despite what i'm being told. In addiiton to these, do you have a reccommendation to prevent heart disease?


What do you recommend for hair loss? I am a 64 year old woman who began losing my hair. What do you recommend for hair loss? I am a 64 year old woman who has Telogen Effluvium (hair loss after a strenuous or traumatic event). My hair loss began in the spring of 2020 after I was hospitalized with COVID 19, because I had a very high fever for three or four days. While I was hospitalized for 8 days, my husband was kidnapped and put into a fraudulent, court appointed, for profit, Guardianship and conservatorship where he was eventually murdered on 2/13/23. I'm telling you this because I've been under incredible stress the past 4 years.


Suzy Q here,1.. How many times a year are we supposed to do the parasite control? The Carol Blood test said to keep taking the cell salt until they don't taste good, and you said to take for 21 days. I am confused about this. Can you clarify?3. was going to order the Bates Method of Vision Recovery book and it says it is supposed to come with an eye test. However, everyone says when they order the book, the test doesn't come along with the book, and the book is worthless without the test. Any thoughts on this? Doc, I use Mullein Oil to help get the wax out of my ears, and it works great! The Mullein plant provides many medicinal qualities! I have been on the Hair, skin, and nails, for months, plus startedd Z-radical a month or two ago, and still my nails are soft and they peel. They have been that way all of my life. What is the problem doc?


Hi Doc,Jerry from Upper Garden State Pwy,why does Dr Joseph Pizzorno in his book,The Toxin Solution states that excess salt acts as a toxin in the body.He states when you eat too much salt,you impair glutathione production .Thanks


Hello from Ottawa, Canada. In addition to the wheel and electricity, we have potato chips here that are cooked in Avocato Oil. Is this a no no because they are fried? Richard


What would you take in place of the Osteo FX if you can"t tolerate the extra ingredients in it. I purchased the same type of calcium in powder form. I was thinking of adding a serving of this powder to my juice and minerals.


I have ringing in my ears, I am on the 90 plus and following your tinnitus protocol plus 4 bottles of minerals, good herbs lymphatic health, 16oz. of coconut water. I only have been on this for 6 weeks. My ringing at times has been getting worse to the point that my inner ear hurts at times as well as dizziness. My left ear sounds like im listening through a tunnel and when I lower my head towards the ground I can feel/hear a swoosh in the left ear, like when you get water in your ears after swimming. Any thoughts?


Dr G, please advice, My eGFR is 51 and creatitine 1.12. Have been on the 90 essentials . Also how do I treat continuous toenail fungus. Thanks for your help,


Hey doc, I just wanted to add that I was taking the Thuja 30C by mouth and mixing it with colloidal silver to apply topically to the wart for about 2.5 months before you recommended I started the causticum. Would you still like me to try the Thuja again?


8/13/24 Live Chat Q&A


8/1/24 Live Chat Q&A