8/13/24 Live Chat Q&A


Whats the protocol to negate the CT Scan radiation effect? My sis got 2 scans last year. She didnt know any better than listen to the MDs. Could you also reiterate what's at risk here for her?


Aloha Dr. Glidden, This is Wanee. Last Thursday Larry fell from stairs and landed on right side of his face and broke his left wrist. Fortunately he fell on carpeted floor otherwise outcome would have been worse. His face got badly bruised especially his chin, chick and his right eye brow bone and right thigh. Immediately started giving him Arnica Montena 30c alternating Symphytum Officinale 6c And extra osteofx. Not sure if I’m on right track for him? The concern he doesn’t have memory of falling. People around him at the time told me he was unconscious 10 minutes. When he came to he didn’t know where he was, what day or what happened and why he was there, asking same questions. Because of his preview heart attacks and stints ER wanted to admit him to hospital but, his local doctor told ER to send him home and he’ll take over from there I liked that doctor. ER also did cat scan on his head and I wanted to treat him with homeopathy to protect from exposure in radiation. I have liquid carboneum osygenisatum 200c is this helpful for him also wondering what your take on Bromelain? Life is full of surprises. Thank you for all you and there is no one I rather seek for advice than you.


Johnny from Raleigh, NC… I have been diagnosed with plaque build up in my arteries. I am now on the 90EN and have removed the 12 bad foods from my diet. I watched your video on cholesterol in the Medical Insights section. Is there an updated protocol I can do to reduce the existing plaque? I can not find the OPC-T in the existing one. Your video recommends (Per 100 lbs to take) 1 healthy body pak – 2 Selenium’s (4 bottles max) – 1 plant derived minerals – 1 HGH Youth Complex – 2 Ultimate OPC-T – 1 D-Stress - Good Herbs Heart Support (½ teaspon 3 times a day no matter what your weight). How long should I expect to do this protocol and what should I do as a maintenance program afterwards. Is there such a thing as cholesterol or triglycerides being too high or too low. In “The Great Cholesterol Myth” book, Dr. Sinatra is especially concerned about the particle size of the LDL or the LDL-B (small particle size) that does the damage. Is this something we need to check for? I’ve just been assuming that high cholesterol was part of the program and not to worry about LDL/HDL/triglycerides.


Casey in Utah, What are your thoughts or advice on building muscle (body building level) ,,, is it wise to use “weigh protein shakes”?…, or just use the healthy weight loss pack with heavy whipping cream? To build muscle? Also, do you know any faster way to get the body to build muscle?,,, I am under the understanding too, that the lactic acid is what causes the “burning” or “muscle soreness”?…., any way to reduce or eliminate the burning?… I’m just curious about your thoughts on this subject. And lastly,,, it seems we are automatically watching on rumble?,,, is there something other than rumble?


Dr G,

Do different antioxidants neutralize different types of free radicals, or do they all work the same way? For example, does beta-carotene work in the same way as lycopene? Also, what makes fruit so beneficial if we get all the nutrients we need from the 90 essential nutrients?


Hey doc; Matthew from Palm Coast here. Hope you all are doing well over there. What's your stance on pest control services? Dummy me just realized that, aside from keeping an alarming amount of ants out of my home, I've been likely paying them to poison me as well. Hindsight is awesome. Lastly, how can I ensure I age as finely as you do? As a 35-year-old man who still wants to rock in later in life, seems you've discovered the formula. (Ok ok... I know it's the 90/12/Carroll/etc... - just wanted to lighten up the room). Hope the testimonial I sent you guys helped. Stay well,


SuzyQ here, Doc, if I find a Chinese Acupuncturist near me, would it be possible for you to represent me and help me get some help for my toenail? Also, since I can't eat dairy, I do like Basmati rice, but I liked to put coconut-almond milk on it and some cinnamon & date sugar. So if I take my nutrition an hour later, will that be ok? It's nice to have something else to go along with the rice and make it more desirable to eat it! Did you get the Homeopathic List back up on your website yet, doc? If I can't have dairy, doc. it says in my Carol Blood test I should also avoid whey! This is really tough, doc!


Hi Dr. G, this is Carla G. On the 90 for 2 years, off the bad foods...I turned my foot on the cobblestone streets of Copenhagen a few weeks ago. It's still very painful when walking, sometimes stabbing pain. Is there something you can recommend to get on the other side?


I am also post concussion. Still having brain fog and some vertigo, especially getting out of bed. Would the two natrums be good for me as well?


Betsy Asks: I was looking for Bellis Perennis and Nux Vomica in the 1 M potency, at HomeopathyWorks.com but see only the 30 C or 200 C potency. Can either be substituted for post surgery? Thanks.

What can be done for sleep walking and night terrors?


Doc - do you know anything about MCAS? My daughter was diagnosed with that by her naturopathic doctor but I don’t know if he’s a good doc like you or if he went to a big pharma infiltrated school. Her symptoms are hives all over and swelling in her fingers to the point she had to go to urgent care due to pain and fear of what was happening to her physically. They gave her an antihistamine that didn’t work and sent her home with prednisone.

Hey Dr G what do you know about avocado oil is this like any oil? And what about chips with avocado oil like siete chips with cassava flour and coconut flour? The chips I believe are fried


My free T3 is 2.4 and the range is 2.4-4.4. My TSH is high. I am working with a naturopathic doctor she is concerned worth TSH being so high. Please give me your insight.. I have no thyroid and am taking 90 mg amor throid. Thanks.

Hi favorite reindeer conductor it’s Mel from brainerd mn aka fort Ridley have missed you and making you laugh, i have bob online next to me and he has the question on high blood pressure, And wants to know what supplement of youngenvity he should start with thanks. !!! (Bob ASKS,I have a high A1C (6.5). Besides loosing weight, what can I do?


i wrote in a couple weeks ago about what i thought was sciatica,after 3 !/2 eeks of pain and about 3 hours of sleep in=m finally getting better,stretching ,massage and DMSO are what worked for me. the homeopathic you said to try provided no relief


8/20/24 Live Chat Q&A


8/15/24 Live Chat Q&A