8/20/24 Live Chat Q&A

Bailey from Australia. Hey Doc, Anxiety is something I have struggled with since I had my first panic attack at 25. I am frequently getting anxious about situations as I am fearful of having a panic attack. The panic attacks have stopped but the anxiety hasn’t. Also don’t like being trapped whether its in traffic or on an airplane. Been on the 90 essential nutrients for 3 months now. Tried a lot of things for my anxiety but can’t seem to get to the root cause and would love your help. Thank you.

Hello, this is Gracie from Chicago. My Gastroenterologist said that maybe it’s my supplements that are causing the bloating pain even though I’m on Creon, which are pancreatic enzymes to digest my food because he said I have EPI, which is insufficient pancreas production. My levels were 100 when they should be 200. I know it’s not the healthy foundation pack but maybe it’s the isolated supplements I’m taking besides like Milk thistle 500 mg to detoxify my liver, cranberry 500 mg to address my urgency to pee problem. I’m taking a separate probiotic for optimal gut health and ashwaganda. also a turmeric and ginger supplement a half hour before I eat twice a day. Recently, I added L Carnosine 500 mg. I know you’re against taking isolates vitamins so, what do you think?

Hi Dr Peter Glidden, this is Gracie from Melbourne, Australia. I have a question for a 51 year old woman, Ivana, who has been diagnosed with MastoCytosis and have been on Hemodialysis for 30 years. The Tryptase builds up in her body and the only means of elimination is through Dialysis. 4 years ago she went into Anaphylaxis and Hypoxia and almost died. Are there any products or actions she could take to stop the Mast cell from over producing Tryptase. She was told the Bone Marrow is responsible for this action. Thanks Dr Glidden. P.S she is on the 90 +

Ken B's wife here. Currently experiencing a really rough bout of diverticulitis. Extreme abdominal pain, fever off and on, 99 to 101.5, complete colon blockage until earlier today. Day 5 in, this has been one of the worst episodes I've experienced. I just started introducing food today after a diet of water, tea, clear soup and broth. I shortly thereafter experienced a bout of diarrhea. What are your recommendations?


Hi! I suspect I have a thyroid issue-low body temperature, dry skin and loosing hair. I don’t want to take meds. I’m sure you have a good protocol. Thanks!


Good evening Doc; Paul fm Fredericksburg here... While I was investigating a corner of a friend's yard to retrieve a ladder, I was met with a small swarm of hornets. Just one light sting on the left ring finger, but I pulled my left calf muscle while "fleeing" -- any recommendations to aid (and maybe accelerate) healing, are most gratefully received. Thank you...


Is there anything you can recommend with someone with PCOS (no real metabolism and insulin resistant)? It’s so easy to gain weight, even WITHOUT eating excessively, and yet it’s extremely difficult to lose it, even with exercise.

SHORT NOTE FOR CONTEXT: She started the 90 essential nutrients last Saturday, plus she is doing the liver/gall bladder cleanse, and taking selenium, which she started Sunday, along with the Enzymes (not sure when is the best time to take the Enzymes) and she’s also taking Digestive FX… Without any support, she only has a bowel movement every 2-3 days, and when she observes a religious fast, she eats mostly vegan but then suffers with bloating and gas during those times. Can you help with this? LASTLY: Is it okay to drink coffee on an empty stomach within 30 minutes after waking up?


Dr G, What is safer to take Aleve or ibuprofen when it comes to needing quick pain relief? P.S I believe you mentioned that it is best not to eat when you are sick, but wouldn't food provide your body with the strength and energy it needs to heal?

How can I stop grinding and gnashing my teeth while sleeping? I'm forced to wear an annoying mouthguard to protect my teeth.

Hi Dr Glidden, Gracie from Melbourne, one more question if you have time please. A friend's Mum 68yo has Stage 2 Liver Cirrhosis, she has Diabetes and inflammation, and cognitive decline which they are doing ketones to support liver. What can be done to help the cognitive abilities please ?


Hi Dr. Glidden, Lynn from New Jersey, Does caffeine in coffee negatively affect homeopathy treatment….If I am scheduled to take a dose of homeopathy, can I drink coffee? wait a specific time after dose, 20 min for example or avoid for altogether while on treatment? Thanks as always for what you do…


Good evening Doc, I was looking at the ingredients in my Collagen Peptides, and it includes fish collagen. Is that something that I should be concerned about since I am unable to eat any kind of fish or seafood? This is SuzyQ

Is last night's chat recorded, doc? Also, last night when I went to bed, I felt a twitching in the middle of my right thigh, that didn't seem to want to let up. I don't remember that happening before! What could it be? That was on the top of my right thigh.

Hey Dr G, It's Vidal from Methuen,Ma! I'm back! My son was diagnosed with alopecia around 2020 and with God and your help of course the alopecia is gone and hair grew back my son is 9yrs old now and hair growing strong! But I'm on here for me this time, I got hit with covid like 4-5x, I've noticed crazy fatigue, heat sensitivity, get winded going up stairs, standing, and even walking, and talking. I get cold hands, and sensitivity to holding things. Heart palpitations, rapid heart rate, brain fog...Any recommendations you can give me sorry for being long winded. I never got the jab and I'm 36.. It's been happening on and off for 2 years.


Larry from Casa Grande, AZ I am reading your book "everybody is sick and I know why" Great book. Also I am working on getting to the 90. It is just finances which is getting better. I have been treated for RA since 2004 and my pain level has dropped from 3 to zero. So I am planning on telling them no thanks. Thank you for your insight.


Last week of my 1st month 90 For Life, ran out. Because of my liver situation you said stop the Tangy Tangerine. Need to reorder which pack should I get please? thank yo Forgot to mention, my A1C registered 9.4 today


Hey doc. What is your opinion where there is an irritation of the inner vaginal canal near the opening accompanied by swollen lymph nodes in the groin area? The irritation was caused by scratching the vaginal lip area which was itching and the irritation got worse. Are the swollen lymph nodes and irritation connected? What is your opinion on this and what do you recommend? Thanks alot. And congratulations on your son's wedding. Also there is pain by the vaginal entrance.


Good evening, Dr G! ----MN Sara---- My 13 year old son just got his orthodontic braces on today. I was thinking arnica Montana, but wonder your opinion and the potency / dosage for him. Mochas gracias!!

When I pose a 'Jeopardy question' in a group of mixed generations, the boomers can finish the sentence, but younger people have a blank stare. Take two aspirin and......... What's you view of aspirin? I have been reading about Aspirin, The Wonder Drug and how it has been disparaged by pharma in favor of tthe toxic Tylenol. I am old enough to know the joke, "Take two aspirin , and call me in the morning" the standard advice doctor would give....so why bother going to the doctor. Thanks! Jensen Beach in Lancaster, PA this evening.


My husband & I had recent blood work done. Our ages are 73 &74, been on Youngevity 2 yrs. & avoid 12 bad foods, no meds. His came back High, 5.74 on THS, normal range is .40-4.50. My Creatine, low .053 and bun creatine ratio high, at 36 , range is 6-22. What are your thoughts ? Thx Beth


If you are on the 90 essential nutrients and feel a cold/flu virus coming on, is it ok to mega dose C and D3 plus D3 cofactors and extra zinc for a short time to knock it out quickly? Before I knew about the 90, I used to megadose and would knock out my cold/flu virus within 24 hours if I hit at first sign of symptoms. But last night you mentioned how mega dose throws things out of balance.


Thanks for this, follow-up: Anyone here know if I'm already doing two packets of Youngevity On-The-Go Healthy Body Start Pak 2.0, does that mean I don't need to do the Tangerine powder or the ultimate efa, and just ad 1 bottle of Beyond OsteoFX and one bottle of Plant Derived Minerals?


8/29/24 Live Chat Q&A


8/13/24 Live Chat Q&A