8/29/24 Live Chat Q&A


How many times a year can one do the fresh beet juice protocol? In what ways can the protocol be hard on the system without the 90? The homeopathic kit I bought has Comfrey 30C and 200C? I have seen you prescribe the 12C and 1M. Is there a difference among the 4 of them?

Last question. How does one figure out his/her constitutional homeopathic remedy? And should it be taken in the cell salt form?


What should I do for Tinea versicolor?


Started the IBD regime you outlined on the website. Diagnosed myself. Already had a CT upper and lower 2 months ago showing o.k. arteries, organs, so I figured the problem (always diarrhea;sometimes reddish for 1 month) is in the digestive track. Started the Aloe Supreme yesterday. Here's the question: can I add the Beyond Osteo, lumbrokinase to he IBD regime now, at this early point of the Aloe treatment?


Hi Doc! Flipdaddy here. Thank you for all you do! I’m sixty-eight next month; 5’-9” short; 185#. I’ve been taking two of the 90-For Life Healthy Start Packs per month for nine years. Please tell me what to do to increase my testosterone. I work out regularly to maintain muscle mass. Just this past year, I began losing muscle mass like crazy! I had a blood test done last week for the purpose of checking my testosterone level and here are the endocrinology results: SEX HORMONE BINDING GLOBULIN-RL = 63 nmoI/L, TESTOSTERONE, ADULT MALE-RL = 377 ng/dL, STOSTERONE, % FREE, MALE-R/L = 1.2% (Low), TESTOSTERONE, FREE, CALC MALE-RL = 46 pg/mL (Low).


Good morning Dr G, Lisa here, two questions: is there a non surgcial way of getting rid of a skin cancer, such as a basal cell carcinoma? Do you know what would be causing a sharp pain in my elbow, only when leaning of it at a specific angle, causing a pain that feels as though I have leaned on a small pebble?


Hello Dr Glidden, For several years I experienced IBS related symptoms which diminished my immune system response… and in 2022 I was diagnosed with breast cancer. Since I started to take 90 Essentials I felt better, more energized but I struggle a lot with OsteoFX which I know might help with an osteoporosis condition. My question is, what tests (GI, blood…) might I need to prepare in order to schedule an appointment with you. Thank YOU, Mcam from NJ


My question is about my 16 year old daughter who fell off her horse and was taken to emergency. A ovarian cyst was discovered and wanted to know how to prevent another but am now concerned that she had 4 CT scans of head and abdomen area. I watched the advice about radium bomatom, how does this help and why. Kalie and So Cal


Merry B, Apache Junction, AZ. No dingoes here, just lots of coyotes. Beautiful wedding! Congratulations! I've been a student on your campus since December of last year. This is my first time on the Q&As although I have watched several of them, the interviews, several Health Recovery Protocols and all of the webinars at least once. Correction: I didn't watch the Men's Health as I don't identify as one. QUESTION 1: I began the starter pack months ago. My local Naturopath diagnosed me with leaky gut and I had the food sensitivity tests. They weren't the Carroll but I didn't know better at the time. I had an issue with the BTT powder and found on the Health Recovery Protocols for Irritable Bowel and Chron's Disease to switch to the tablets. I cannot swallow these and have to chew them which is not pleasant. Actually, it borders on yucky. My distributor carries an Ultimate Tangy Tangerine liquid which I have not seen you recommend. You may have addressed this before but I couldn't find anything on the Q&A search. Is there something I should be aware of using the liquid rather than the tablets? (Yes, I'm off the Bad Foods. I've also lost 12-15 pounds, down a size to my target weight, and the leaky gut is slowly getting better.) QUESTION 2: What is your opinion of the Life Line Mobile Screenings? Thank you for your dedication and knowledge, but most of all, sharing it with us. P.S. Agree that Tinkyada is by far the best GF pasta.

Hello to my favorite health advocate- You don’t speak often about drinking alcohol. I love a daily whiskey cocktail (more than wine), and my husband wants to know if there are any extra nutrients that I should add to the regular 90. I already avoid the 12 bad foods. Thank you. Also- I live in Kirkland and it seems like your son's wedding weekend was lousy weather. So sorry about that.


Dr Glidden , what is the treatment for trigger finger? Index finger on my right gets stuck from time to time. Othopedic dr recommends injection in the finger. Thanks for your advice.


Hello Dr. G. Thank you for all that you do. I have several questions. I heard somewhere that L-Glutamine can grow cancer? Is this true? There is a lot of talk that cancer is really parasites and their eggs? What is your thoughts on this? If this is true, can we use herbs, vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and fatty acids to fight these parasites? Can an 8-year-old take wormwood? By the way, my family and I are off the 12 bad foods. We take the 90 EN and i26.


Hi there, I have a question regarding Omega levels. !. Are these levels important? 2. if so, what do the Omegas support?(heart)? I had my levels tested and I'm at 5.29% and the testing place said the desired levels are from 8-12%. do you agree with this? any suggestions to raise the level? I have been going 40 years for a yearly physical and not once has my family doctor mentioned or tested for Omega levels. Thank you for all you do! Hi, What is better to take the liquid or powder of the Osteo FX and the Tangy Tangerine, the liquid taste better


It's Grant from Iowa. Are there any supplements to not take together at the same time? For example, I am currently taking RTQ, Sweet Eze together along with the EFA Plus since they are best taken with food. It's Grant from Iowa again. I remember seeing on one of your older YouTube videos you shared a gray hair hack that I think involved applying the liquid plant derived minerals with selenium. Is this correct? Thinking about giving it a try.


TESTOSTERONE, ADULT MALE-RL = 377 ng/dL,, Range = 300-720

TESTOSTERONE, % FREE, MALE-R/L = 1.2% (Low), Range = 1.6-2.9

TESTOSTERONE, FREE, CALC MALE-RL = 46 pg/mL (Low), Range = 47-244


SuzyQ here, 1.I watched your webinar on Detox yesterday, and you said to get a product called "Terra Firma". Where do you get this product?

2.Also, I found a NOW product of Psyllium Husk Powder (which you had recommended), but it does not have the GMP label on it, so I will order an organic Psyllium Husk Powder called Herbal Secrets. I wonder what GMP means, do you know? Do you have any more pointers on the detox protocol? I would like to try it this month! Could you explain I-26 Doc?


Hi Dr. Glidden. This is Sherry from Casper. I fell off my bike 2 years ago and I've had numbness in the fingertips of my left had that progressed down my middle finger, part of my ring finger and the thumb. In the last year I have great difficulty with picking up a glass due to limited range of motion in the thumb. I did the carpal tunnel protocol for 2 months and saw a chiropractor for 3 months and nothing has helped. I'm on the 90 EN for a year now. Should I get an x-ray or nerve test? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


Johnny from North Cacalacky... Do you recommend chelation therapy using an EDTA chemical product to help with clogged arteries. My son has started your new protocol, but a friend of mine told me that he used a EDTA product called Cardio Clear. He said that his urine was even cloudy when using this and actually felt more energy.

I just heard of a 34 yr old man 34 yr old with 'stiff body syndrome' What the heck is that? I am part way through your Hepatitis lecture.....is there a 'cure' for Hepatitis B? Little boy 18 mos got his first haircut and got a small cut from the barber....the parents are concerned that could have exposed him to Hep B. ??? Sounds possible but unlikely to me. They want to give him the Hep B Vx now. What's the holistic response to this potential exposure? I found a sourdough bread that says their fermentation makes it more 'digestible' I have no obvious GI difficulty with this or any food. Is this bread OK or should I keep looking for a 'gluten free' bread.


Hi Dr Glidden, Tony from Bowdle South Dakota. Being 66, I have presbyopia. It's pretty bad (I use 3x reading glasses) and impinges on the amount of time I do activities that require reading glasses. Is there a way to improve this condition or at least stall its decline with time?



9/3/24 Live Chat Q&A


8/20/24 Live Chat Q&A