9/3/24 Live Chat Q&A


Hello, this is Gracie from Chicago. My son is very obese. He’s 270 pounds and he’s only 5 foot 9 I want to offer him that I’ll pay for his 90 EN for 90 days if he would do that and stop the 12 bad foods and see if it doesn’t make any difference in his life, but since he’s only 37 years old, can he skip the Gluco Gels and the Osteo FX?


Good evening Doc; Paul fm Fredericksburg here... Hope you enjoyed the LD holiday. Did you have plans to create a video lecture on the latest technology / information on regenerating new teeth? You mentioned somethig about it a couple of Q&A's ago. Thank you.


Dr Glidden when you urinate and it hurts just as your finishing and your shivering and have a touch of fever could that be urinary tract infection and/or bladder infection?

Dr G,

Last week, you mentioned that waking up at 3 AM indicates a liver issue. Is this also true for 3:30 or 3:45 AM? Can you explain the reasoning behind the 3 AM liver link?

P.S. I'm currently in a toxic workplace, haven’t been sleeping well, and often wake up with racing thoughts that keep me awake. When I do sleep, I wake up with the same negative work thoughts. Any tips to break this pattern?


For the “Acid Reflux/Heartburn” Health Recovery Protocol page, there’s a “My Rx” section. Do we follow that and ignore the “Homeopathy” section just below it? That Homeopathy section lists 4 items without any further details.


Good evening, Dr. Glidden. Matthew from Palm Coast. Hope all is well with you guys. Question, just humorously worded: The gods have seem fit to bless me (this 35-year old peak-male specimen) with not much more than a goatee, with a few whiskers on the sides. Is there any hope to achieve the capability to grow a full beard until I can figure out how to rock the goatee like Robert Downey Jr. Thanks Doc, as always

Casey in Utah, What are your thoughts on how long it usually takes to start losing weight?, after everything is being done right and all bad foods gone as well as all nutrients taken. Just curious on average how long it takes to start seeing weight loss,,, I’ve heard Wallach say .5 pound to 2 pounds a day? (FYI, it’s been about 2 months now without weight loss).

Merry B, Apache Jct., AZ - where the coyotes roam. Saturday before last my BP went high 170s/100+ three consecutive times. Since then I have been recording 3 readings at 11:30 a.m. every day. It runs one day high, then 2 days of like 110/70. So far I haven't found a reason for the higher reading days. I take no BP meds. I have been taking Carditone, an Ayurvedic herbal tablet used to balance BP, for 4-5 years. (Yes on 90s, no on the 12) Tomorrow I have an appointment with my local naturopath who is okay but not on your list. What would be a proper way of explaining to her I am a member on your site and how to work with your protocols without making her feel like she's playing second fiddle? Also, has anything changed on your 'High Blood Pressure" protocol? Thanks!


Hi Dr. G, Margie from Fayetteville, NC …. My question tonight is what do you suggest I do for cystitis? I get this quite often. I will use Cantharis 30C for any burning & drink water constantly to help flush out, but it seems to happen quite often. If there is anything I may do to help prevent reoccurrence, I’d sure appreciate it. I have been on the 90 EN and avoiding the bad foods now since last December. I have also stopped the TT because it was causing cystitis and am taking the Vital Nutrients 4 as you suggested since June. I also use the kidney & bladder good herbs. Thank you!


Fred from Boston I have a diagnosed infection of a tooth holding one end of a three tooth bridge. Have greatly reduced the infection by swishing with colloidal silver. How much and how often should i do this? Any other recommendations. I started on the "90" 3 weeks ago.

Hi Dr. Glidden, DBee here. 60 yr old female, 5’1”, weight problem my whole life, always fighting 15-20 lbs. Was given 3 antibiotic injections at 6 months old for ‘bacterial pneumonia’. My cortisol has been high for about 10 years, 8AM bloodwork confirms it and, the ‘wired & tired’ way I feel. If I eat carbs I feel better, and… gain weight. I eat mainly protein. I’ve eaten low carb for 25+ years to keep weight down. 1100 calories and 30G carbs per day or I gain weight. Since last Sept, I’ve gained 20 lbs. that I cannot lose. My thyroid lab work (20+ years ) is always the full panel, TSH was 29 this past spring but was less than 2 in January. Currently on 175mcg Levothyroxine and 7.5mcg Time Release compounded Liothyronine. Gluten free for 10 years, don’t eat the 12 bad foods. Have been on the 90 Essentials + Selenium for about a month, no change in weight. Last week I upped my chromium to 1500 mcg per day, vanadium to 5mg per day, no change in weight. Let’s pretend it’s been 90 days on the 90 and jump ahead…what now? Thx!


Hi Dr Glidden, Sonya from Cincinnati…Interested to hear your thoughts on alcohol consumption (a glass of red wine with dinner daily). Last week I picked up a nugget about negating effects of CT Scan (had one when they thought I was having a stroke - when actually it was Bells Palsy brought on by Lyme disease) Started taking homeopathic pellets of Radium Bromatum as prescribed by you last week. I couldn’t find 1M so got the 9C. Husband picked up a nugget as well and is taking homeopathic treatment for reducing lactic acid after workouts. You always have great information! Why do these treatment have something totally different on them i.e. mine is for reducing itching with burning sensation and his says relieving heartburn and indigestion. Thank you.


in the protocols, when it says, EN 90 and then it also says Beyond Osteo FX, am I right to assume that means an extra bottle of the Beyond Osteo FX which means s bottles total (1 bottle from the foundation 2.5 oak and an extra bottle to consume during that month and just alternate once at night and once in the morning, correct? Also, do you have something for someone who is struggling with insulin resistance? Lastly, I have an 86 year old mom in a senior assisted living facility in memory care. She's good 70% of the time but recently she's starting to get worse with her memory. Is there a way to stop the progression at least? I meant 2 bottles total in the first question By the way, what confused me about how many bottles was in the Protocol for Afib, after the 90 EN, it said: "1 bottle per month", for "Beyond Osteo Fx powder...AND I'M ASSUMING I CAN TAKE "LIQUID" INSTEAD OF THE "POWDER"


What would boost male health best? Rauwolfia Serpentina, synthetic Rauwolscine, or Yohimbine? Is Indian Snakeroot the same? And is the addition of Boron helpful? The claims are it burns fat well, but I felt real good on rauwolscine, the synthetic before. Helps the mind at the gym. I also saw a rauwolfia vomitoria as an option. Just trying to weed through the choices.


My father is getting cholesterol lowering shots every two weeks and they want his cholesterol below 50 which is crazy low. Can you comment on how low your cholesterol should be is you are over weight and have 22 stents. He’s also on high blood pressure medication and does not eat salt per the doctors direction. My autistic son had a call today with Dr Lisa Abell. Among many things wanted to give him something called gemo therapy buds which she says is stem cells. Do you know anything about this therapy and are the stem cells a donor stem cell synthetic I’m leery of trying this I would’ve asked Dr. Abel but we ran out of time and she’s going to email us further direction which I might have to wait for more info. Correction : my dad has 2 stents not 22. Finally, I just noticed my autistic sons breast are developing/lump under both breasts . I am greatly concerned. Can you please advise.


SuzyQ here! 1.How often do you do the Detox Program annually?


Hey Dr Glidden, Gracie from Melbourne, Australia. 1/ - Does Vitamin D need to be mixed with Vitamin K? 2/ I'm finding Dr's are telling some of my customers not to have calcium as their body is making enough, what does this mean please? Thank you so much for being our global support. Hey Dr Glidden, Gracie from Melbourne, Australia. 1/ Does Vitamin D need to be mixed with Vitamin K?

2/ I'm finding Dr's are telling some of my customers not to have calcium as their body is making enough, what does this mean please? Thank you so much for being our global support.


Mel Here from Mina sota! looking good ReinDeer conductor, so update BoB aka Baaaabuh lol has never been introduced to holistic medicine in his 70 years, wow testament to MD dumbing down system. Happy to report he is reading your book, hes made it to chapter 6 , trying to get threw his Engineering school brain that MD is spelt "COFFIN" unless you broke an arm or leg. lol. I am currently reading "Wheat belly by a MD who unplugged from the matrix of Rockefeller /Carnegie education . gonna do 6mos to a yr without any wheat/flour experiment. Keep smiling and laughing, God wins!

Is the mineral hydroxyappetite part of the process to re-grow teeth?


What do you recommend for floaters in the eyes to make them go away.


40 year old male. 2 years ago hip and shoulder pain started. Went to the doctors and it showed my tsh was an 8.9. I chose not to go on a thyroid hormone and decided to modify diet, eliminating sugars and carbs. Pain persisted. Recent bloodwork showed thyroid levels normal but antibodies present at a high level. I started the 90 essentials and just purchased based on your hypothroid protocols Oceans gold, Plant derived minerals, imortalium, and good herbs hypothalamus support. Is there anything else I should consider taking? And should I eliminate coffee? As a former veteran I am always concerned with my exposure to burn pits and the anthrax vaccine.

Good evening Dr. Glidden, have you ever heard about Batana oil? According to a guy called Dr. Sabi, it regrows hair!!! Santos


Woke up curious about kidney stones. Saw a video on tiktok the other day, Doctor pulled out a stone the size of a tennis ball. Is the surgery high risk? Does the belladonna in your protocol help the the passing or the dissolving of kidney stones?


9/5/24 Live Chat Q&A


8/29/24 Live Chat Q&A