9/5/24 Live Chat Q&A

In homeopathy remedies, you have switched from suggesting 30 C to 200 CK as a general rule; why is this?

And unrelated to homeopathy, what is considered a good BP reading for a 76 year old male post hip replacement surgery? Readings are pretty consistent at 142/78. Thank you! Betsy from Stuart


Is there a real risk cooking with Teflon Nonstick cookware?


Dirk from Belgium: Hi Dr. Glidden: Through a bioresonance test I found out that my ileocecal valve stays open and thus causes diarrhea. The cause is unknown. Is there a homeopathic remedy for this complaint? Are there other remedies?


Good morning! I’m a 51 year old male, and 160-165 pounds with a heart murmur/irregular heart beat and poor circulation. I’ve looked at the different heart protocols from clogged arteries to fib, but not sure what’s best to start for best results over the next 90 days and how much of each is ideal for an optimal and effective approach to start out with and give you feedback. Can you recommend a specific protocol? Also, I’ve always understood that it takes Vitamin K2 as MK7 as a co-facto to shuttle calcium into bones rather than soft tissue. So I’m curious if there’s a reason youngevity doesn’t have K2 as MK7 in their Beyond Osteo FX formula?


Hello, this is Gracie from Chicago. I have chronic postnasal drip in the back of my throat. when I’m laying down and try to speak It’s very difficult. What is the remedy for this?


Hey Doc! Back in July, you had suggested that I take selenium for my prostate as I have restricted flow and I am urinating frequently. The suggestion was to take 2 selenium 3x per day between meals for 8 weeks. Is that quantity for the Vital Nutriets Selenium with 200mcg per capsule (6 capsules per day) or for Youngevity Ultimate Selenium @ 100mcg per capsule? You had mentioned to monitor my finger nails for brittleness or if my hair falls out or my breath turns bad and to cut the daily amount in half if these symptoms occur. Always apprecite you for sharing your knowledge and making us all healthier! Also, is there an equivalent to the EN90 that is not sweet tasting? I really get tired of drinking sweet tasting vitamins and minerals several times per day. Any suggestions? Thanks!


Hi I’d like to know which type of sunscreen to use for parts of the world where the sun is really intense. in terms of natural sunscreen


Can the beet juice cleanse and full moon cleanse be done in the evening since I have to get up in the middle of the night to go to work?

Can the super Olive health be mixed in with the BTT, osteo and minerals and consumed over a few hours or does it need to be taken like the evening osteo/mineral shot?


Hi Doc is there a annual blood test to check vitamin and mineral levels without going to a doctor

It's Grant from Iowa. I have a few eye floaters that appeared . I watched the webinar on eye health and got the Bates Method book. I have been drinking more water, and am taking 2 selenium 3x per day between meals. It's been about a week with no change. Anything else I can do?

Good afternoon Dr. G from Ottawa, Canada, where we invented snow tires. How does one solve a jock itch issue that only arises in the evenings? Richard


Hi !! 1st time live listener! I hope it’s not inappropriate to ask a question for a dog. A chihuahua is having anal gland issues & I’m wondering if there are veterinarians that actually have a clue & what products from Youngevity may help?? thank YOU!


SuzyQ here, I am unable to find any Organic Psyllium Husk Powder with the GMP label. They took that label off of the Now brand. Psyllium Husk Powder. Are pacemakers just another scam of the Medical Monopoly System?


Hi Doc, Hawkins from No Illinois here. Great news, Mike had his follow up ejection fraction rate test. On 6/4 in ER his reading was 27%. On 8/28, his reading was 48.1%, which would not have happened without your superior guidance! We understand normal reading is 55 -70%. We are still waiting for the coniium maculatum to arrive, USPS says its stuck in Chicago ... Meanwhile, my better half experiencing yeast balantis from Farxiga (Darn MD's) side effects. I suggested he take some sweet eze and Killer Biotic. We are still waiting for response from MD's but they must be still on vacation.... recommendations? Grateful for all you do !! Melody (The yeast infection is my diagnosis - he won't go to have it checked, but very yeasty, red & swollen areas, and skin breaking down in some areas)


What if the Teflon coating is scratched and flaky? I'm thinking about replacing my cookware with Cast iron. What's your recommendation?


What specific bottle of Selenium do we get for the Hemorrhoids protocol? A Fullscript.com selenium or Youngevity Selenium?


Hi Dr.Glidden, Millie from S/E WI here...I highly encourage folks to go to tuckercarlson.com and share the Calley and Casey Means interview on Big Pharma and food. Whistleblowers that are exposing your language.


Checking in for some advice - I received my healthy foundation pak last week and took my first dose last Saturday - the orange powder (90 essential nutrients), the OsteoFX (which I had used powder before and prefer but this was liquid), the EFA minerals and the OMega 3’s (which look a bit different from the ones my friend gave me from her pak from Dr. Lee Merritt - still omega 3s though) On Sunday I had a terrible migraine with vertigo. I am prone to this anyway so I figured it could’ve been the weather change in NC or stress or whatever other reason. I took my meds and was able to go to dinner with friends. I did not take my supps agains on Sunday as I was trying to figure this out. On Monday, still had a slight migraine/vertigo but managed to function - no supps again. Tuesday I was better but it was still there so no supps. Today, Wednesday, I felt ok so I mixed all my supps in a shake with coconut milk since I was out of my protein powder. Before I even finished my shake, I began to get nauseous and my vertigo/migraine came back. I just got up from lying down a few minutes ago and it’s almost 9pm here.

I want to ask Doc but not in front of the audience tomorrow. Here are also a couple more facts that might complicate things: (1) I take natural hormones (estrogen/progesterone) from my holistic chiropractor - maybe my estrogen is too high? I have had migraines before when it gets too high (2) I have seasonally allergies pretty bad and September is usually my worst month for migraines - just didn’t expect it to come on this soon but we have had a change in the weather here lately with storms last weekend. Since I’ve taken the 90 nutrients and the Osteo FX powder before and felt great, I’m thinking there might be something in the minerals that my body doesn’t like - would love to get your thoughts.


Is zinc oxide in natural sunscreen bad for you? Also for for your anxiety remedy is it ok to just use the homeopath solution or do i need to use it with your remeidies? I plan start the 90 essentials protocol. I am new to all this.


Hello, Dr. Glidden- I have pterigium (sun damage on my eyes from long days on the beach as a child). My eyes get irritated often and are super sensitive/get blurry from environmental stuff, cleaning agents, perfumes, etc. I’m on the 90EV and avoid 12 bad foods. Any other solution that you can recommend? Many thanks. So great that the sun came out for your son’s wedding! I have Argentybn 23. Can I use that diluted as an eye wash?


9/10/24 Live Chat Q&A


9/3/24 Live Chat Q&A