9/10/24 Live Chat Q&A


My wife (70) and I (59) just recovered from Covid (we tested positive). We’ve never had Covid before, nor have we ever taken the Covid vaccine. It lasted 10 days and we had the typical symptoms. It is our understanding that the spike protein from the virus can stay in the body for very long periods (a year or more) and cause damage to the vascular system, including the heart. Question: beyond taking the E 90 vitamins and minerals, is there anything you would suggest we take to help remove the spike protein out of our bodies? Any updates on the development of a replacement for the discontinued Micro biome product?


Casey in Utah, Got what I think may be an interesting one for you Glidden, any nutrient deficiency or homeopathic remedy/treatment for “shaking” under extreme stress, anxiety or duress?…., or nervousness shaking but in actual reality, not feeling nervous or scared in the slightest?… maybe a protein problem?… what are your thoughts on how to remedy shaking anywhere in the body? And second, I’ve heard you say not to buy supplements from Amazon?,, what was the reason why again? And if so, where should I buy them from?


Apart from carpal tunnel syndrome, does a manganese deficiency manifest in any other way?


Hi Dr Glidden First timer! New to your organization. Question for you: Thoughts about the calcium scoring CT

Thoughts about CoQ10 supplement? What are the vitamins/minerals supplements that can reverse plague in arteries?

From Mike


Hey doc, it’s Phil 🙂. I’ve been following the protocol for people suffering with asthma for about 4 months. With this, I have two questions: At the end of day 1, of taking the Good Herbs Respiratory Support, my gums and cheek swell on the side I push the medicine into (despite immediate swallowing, and following up with water). On day 2, I then swapped sides to see if this was the cause, and the same happened, but also my tongue would swell and have a whitish coat on top and white specs on the bottom. I stopped taking the medicine twice, and waited out the symptoms each time. How can I take this herbal remedy without these adverse effects? Secondly, my asthma symptoms have gotten a lot worse, particularly when it comes to mucus excess in my lower lungs. Any laughing or moderate movement stirs up productive coughs and has me become short of breath. I’ve been exercising nonetheless, but are there any recommendations here?


Hi Doc, One of my distributors has a customer who's 6 year old daughter has been diagnosed with kidney reflux. What can you tell me about that? Vesicoureteral reflux is the fancy schmancy name for it...


Which multivitamin of vital nutrients do you recommend for someone over 60?


Hey, Doc! What are your thoughts about benfotiamine--a lipid form of B1? I've been hearing about it from lots of practioners online, and there are many anecdotal stories about how it's helped with energy and neuropathy.


Good evening, Dr. Glidden. Matthew from Palm Coast. Hope all is well with you guys. Captain hindsight again over here, I think I took too many hot epson salt baths. I know, I know… not smart, though now my legs itch horribly. Other than staying hydrated, any general anti-itch guidelines or items that could be useful in the homeopathic medicine cabinet? I’ve just been taking some Cell Shield RTQ for the inflammation, but not sure if that’s the right call either. Thanks Doc, as always.


1.Is the West Nile Virus a Hoax? 2 I found a recipe for a G.F. pancake with water, but it doesn't compare to the G.F. pancake that I found with almond milk! How can I fit this in to balance them with my nutrition? You said take the nutrition first, then? How do I do that? 3.Is it O.K. to be taking VitaminD3 during the summer even if you aren't able to lay in the sun? I do have grounding pads on my bed and by my computer. The last time I took my Hba1c it was elevated but it is coming down, thankfully! Do you want me to continue with the Multi EFA's 3 caps three times a day until I get it down to where you want it? And then how do I take the Multi's after that? I wear white Hanes Socks to bed at night because I have always thought my feet feel cold. They have cotton, polyester, spandex, and nylon in them. My right foot, the one with that had the Neuropathy in it, seems to itch at night on the inside. There's even a small rash starting. The other foot doesn't bother at all .Do you think I should change to different socks, if so what kind? I still don't see the 30 Homeopathics on your website, and other people want to know about them. When will you be putting them back up? Can you tell me what Iodine does for the body? I heard it was something you recommend and I would like to try it! They recommend Detoxadine. This is SuzyQ I need a time stamp, please, doc! There is phitates in the almonds, correct?


Larry from casa Grande , AZ For those who think your expensive I make the following comment. Because of your advice I skipped an infusion of following... The base case of two rituximab infusions (one initial loading dose and one subsequent dose) costs $19 452 in 2018 USD (Table 1). The initial dose costs $9812, whereas the subsequent dose costs $9640.Apr 21, 2020


What can a woman take for migraines induced by hormone imbalance. Thank you.


Yo! Sue Bee from Parma Ohio ! I just finished listening to every live chat from March 2023 til Nov. 28 when you had a tooth pulled 🤒 I’m curious what might be the cause of not being able to lift the left arm after open heart surgery. It’s been 6 months & the stupid Dr.s are not helping, CT scan showed nothing


Hi Dr Peter Glidden… Gracie from Melbourne, Australia (yeah the Dingo perhaps did eat the baby 😲) 😊

Q 1 / 5

10 year old boy, with ABI acquired brain injury from streptococcus infection diagnosed Jan ‘23 & had surgery, declared terminal, March 2023 operated on skull, I think the Mum said he had 70% brain was injured. Whilst in emergency they gave him antibiotics (which he never did during his first 8years of life) & he had anaphylactic attack. He’s been on their own supplied colloidal gold, mct, Magforce energetic homeopathics. Vit D/K2, Vit E, cod liver oil gel caps, fermented Vit C via synbiotica, has been on body balance seaweed minerals, He’s doing okay considering between their naturopath, Chinese medicine & homeopathic remedies. What plan would you recommend for this boy to improve his situation ? Q 2 / 5 13yo Girl with hip displacia & the Dr want to do surgery, she’s asked me to check with you if we can we do alternatively to help instead of surgery, what do you think? Q 3 / 5 ANCA vasculitis, what do you suggest to assist with this ? Q 4/ 5 Distension gut, Hernia, Sogrens, affects Tear ducts & lips, ear wax buildup Q 5 / 5 45yo male has been having Seizures this year, has had 4 seizures in 4 months He’s on the 90 / minerals / probiotics, just started synaptiv.

I'm 81, female, healthy, no meds on 90's over a decade and went back to work 4 hrs. a day 5 days a week and loving it. I have doubled my Osteo in AM and again PM before bed for back pain after work and leg cramps at night. Neither are horrible but bothersome. What else you suggest I add considering my age to stay healthy and improve those two problems. I doubled Osteo AM and PM for l month approx. Thanks kindly for the special deal offering in August. Love the Q&A's and all the info you offer. Kay in Wisconsin.

ReinDeer Conductor in the House! Minnasota Mel ask's you don't like seed oils what is your thoughts on avacado mayo? catch the last part of the rodeo debate with the clown being eposed to be worse then her successor. it will be a popcorn show to watch. then the panic will begin in EARNEST TOMMORROW. GIGGLE every day for your health! the movie ends WELL, dont fear. love from MN

How do I obtain a copy of the book, Hands on Care? You mention to do the hands on care for cysts with 2 extended fingers on each hand at 90 degree angles. Does this work for fatty cysts on the head scalp area?


Greetings from Canada. Allopathic doctors here in Ottawa convinced a work colleague of mine to have his gal bladder removed. During the removal the surgeon, reportedly, nicked his colon. Now he has sepsis. Do you have a general remedy for sepsis for my information? Richard


Hey Dr, I emailed Bob about the testimony of my son and Alopecia. Just a heads up there. But continuing with my situation I have had sensitivity to supplements after long covid. I have not gotten the supplements yet because of it. What should I do? Also, would you recommend nattokinase for the long covid? For the past 2 years I've been good for 6months and then I go back into not feeling well and out for 6months again.. I've had to quit my job because of it..Help


Barbara Fake Boca (Miami) I'm back! 2 short questions: How important is Vitamin C? Why is arsenic in the Youngevity Plant Derived Minerals?


Hi Doc - i heard Doc Wallach say that the herbs can be toxic at certain doses - but do you cover in your books toxic or lethal doses of anything? or maybe guide in a direction one would go to find out from a full-coverage source? good to see ya Doc - it's all about the science - are you still learning as well - you seemingly may be too busy? Anyway have a blessed beautiful day and as always thank you - peace=

What payout are you referring to? Must be a mix-up. I haven't shared the link for quite a while. Anyway, Update. I'm currently on day 10 of the beet juice protocol. Still consistently waking up around 3am. Last night I woke up at 3:20. The day before that at exactly 3. Should I add more selenium now to speed up helping the liver. Btw I'm figuring out why this is happening. Been doing nothing new lately. So maybe either it's something funky in the water I'm drinking; I seen lots of ants been drawn to it. Or it's the rice cooker with the scratched Teflon coat. I really don't know. Or maybe some blood sugar issue


65 years old, had vertigo took MSM it went away, lately I have felt a little dizzy, any suggestions???


9/12/24 Live Chat Q&A


9/5/24 Live Chat Q&A