9/12/24 Live Chat Q&A


Hi Dr Glidden. Does losing weight help lowering high blood pressure.


Experienced a sharp tearing pain in the right collarbone area when I lifted some weight at the gym the other day. Probably pulled some ligament there. Is ruta graveolens the one to take for a couple days?


Last week, you showed me a simple method to get an open ileocecal valve closed again. I have practised this for several days now and my ileocecal valve is functioning again. No more diarrhoea. Thank you so much! How come such a simple technique helps? Can I treat the Houston valve in the same way at the same time? Houstan valve(s): between the last part of the cecum and the rectum. As I see it...

I wrote it down wrong. Between the last part of the colon and the rectum, that's were I think the Houston valve(s) is located.


I have Atrial Fibrillation and had a stroke nearly 5 years ago, which caused a reduction in my Peripheral vision on the upper right side. What would you recommend to improve my health condition? I also have arthritis. I no longer take MD medication. At present I take half teaspoon of turmeric with black peppercorns, quarter teaspoon of cayenne pepper mixed together with water. I also take a tablespoon of homemade hawthorn vodka tincture, 4 Brazil nuts, 20 apricot kernels and one zinc tablet every day. I hope it’s not too much trouble for u to send me this information.can u please let me know that u have received this information. Thank you Stephen


Hello Dr Glidden from NJ- When traveling abroad, what alternative mineral supplement do you recommend. When do you recommend taking Youngevity’s HGH, and is it safe for everyone to take since it works on our human growth hormone. Also how does it actually work in our bodies. Last, how can we strengthen the veins in the legs and prevent the breaking of peripheral vessels. Thank you very much!


Hello Dr. G. Hello Dr. GLT in Tucson here 67 year-old totally healthy female on the 90 E end and off 12 bad for several years I am questioning whether to continue annual mammograms your opinion, please.


I have been having a weird issue in my throat. According to pics on Google I think its my submandibular. I can feel something is there on the inside, but I do not feel anything when I explore that area on the outside with my fingers. It does not hurt and is not sore, I simply feel it at all times and is annoying. Any ideas?


It's Grant from Iowa. Following up on my eye floaters issue from last week. I am continuing to take 3 Ultimate Selenium 3x per day and doing Bates Method exercises as well as ensuring there is no oil in a bottle finding it's way into my food. From your clinical experience, how do you typically see these floaters resolve? Is it slowly over the course of several weeks or is it relatively quickly? I am seeing improvement in the clarity of my vision in general, but still have floaters. I do think I have a few less, but can't decide if it's in my head and i'm just adapting to them. Thanks for your insight.


Larry from Casa Grande, AZ Is there any benefit to getting a lymphatic massage? Larry from casa Grande. I have had sciatica issues. My chiropractor recommended sleeping with a pillow under my knees and it helps.


gracie/chicgo---groin pain-bone on bone inflamation. need hip replacement -trying to avoid


Kay in Wisconsin I'm doing the test. Thank you for the suggestion of adding Calcarea Carbonica 30C in last Tues Q&A to my 90's and extra calcium as a helper for someone 81. Ordered after Q&A ended from Amazon. Have received shipping confirmation. I will message via Q&A after the end of 7 days. Got a good feeling about this !! Again, thank you kindly. Kay


Hi Dr Glidden. I’m seeing positive results from the Hypothalmus Support for under active thyroid. I’ve taken 2 bottles and have 2 to go. My hair is not falling out like it was and it’s soft again! Question: you advised me to stop taking Selenium, may I restart or should I wait? Thank you! I’m learning so much from you, your knowledge and wisdom is so appreciated. Julie.


Remedy for left or right or both SI Joints (back strain)?


Dear Dr. Glidden, I need to send a huge thank you. My husband finally went off statins after listening to me talk about you- and after listening to some of your videos for over a year. (He’s a retired MD surgeon, so congrats to you!) The first few days he had terrible headaches and then backtracked to taper off the meds. Now he feels good. The headaches tell me that these pharmaceuticals were really messing with his brain. He’s also taking the 90EV and avoiding the 12 bad foods. Beet cleanse to start soon. Praise the Lord! And thank YOU for all you do.


This is SuzyQ 1.Could you clarify the Vit D3 answer that I asked you the other day? So we don't need to take Vit 3 in the summer, and only in the winter? I live in South Dakota, and we have a lot of weather changes here. I need to know how to handle this, doc! 2.. Could you explain it a little more about putting my feet in cold water for three minutes, doc? What is the purpose for this protocol? 3. I heard you recommend that we take Detoxidine which is an iodine supplement? I would like to try it. 4.Are there any updates on the Homeopathy remedies being taken from us? You haven't said anything for a while. 5.This is the reason I asked about the 30 Homeopathics that disappeared on your website. I do not remember getting an answer from you the other day. Shouldn't we be stocking up on these products if they are being taken away from us? Can I still wear my socks at night?


Nate in Pasadena - have something that feels like a cold, but it started in my Eustachian tubes rather than sore throat. Couldn't sleep for two nights, the first night because of of ear pain, the second night because of congestion. Last night (night 3) was the first time I really slept. This AM my eyes are very teary, I get chills every once in a while, and my head feels "tight" (that's the only way I can describe it) Throat scratchy. Increasing the 90 plus Killer Biotic, anything else I can do? Homeopathics to try? Might see a chiropractor later today and my GPs PA tomorrow. Thanks!


Hello, doctor. Thanks for your great job. I've been on 90 ENs for a second month already - so far, so good. But still I have nasty symptoms: 1. I have osteoarthritis on my fingers(Heberden's nods.) My fingers get stiff after the night, then pretty fast they get flexible and active, but the look is not so nice. Can I get rid of this problem and at least reduce the nods? 2. Recently I was in the dentist's office to remove the traces of the "silver" filling. During the process I swallowed my saliva several times, I'm afraid I could swallow some of this stuff. Please advise me what to do just to be on the safe side. I'm so sorry for the long message. Thanks for your help.


Hello dr Glidden, Im taking the kidney protol but ecperiencing constipation. What do you recommend. Thank you

Between the last part of the colon and the rectum, that's were I think the Houston valve(s) is located.

morning! I've had a rash for the last 13 years around the belt buckle area, also my daughter is on Vyvanse, I would love to get her off them.


9/17/24 Live Chat Q&A


9/10/24 Live Chat Q&A