9/17/24 Live Chat Q&A


Ruta Graveolens Update: After the 4th dose of the liquid Ruta 30C, pain in the right collarbone was 90% gone. LOL it worked like magic. then 2 days ago the tearing pain slightly came back. I took 1 dose of liquid Ruta 200C and it's gone. Already resumed shoulder training in less than 1 week like it never happened. Why do I feel like my body has a better response to the liquid dose? Could you briefly go over what's the difference in application between Ruta and Rhus tox when it comes to sprained ankle? Beet juice update: Currently on day 16th. Sleep's slowly getting better. I plan on doing the protocol for 28 days.


Hello Dr Glidden, what would you recommend for a lady who has Graves Disease please? Also, do you have a protocol for Diverticulitis?


Hi Dr G, for the past 2yrs my husband has been getting CT abdomen woContrast scans yearly for his kidney cuz he has one solitary right and atrophy left and would develop kidney stones. He needs another this year but I’m hesitant to let him go again. He’s on potassium citrate for the last 3yrs, hasn’t had stones and hope not. I’d like him to get off it. He started the 90ess last Dec, his labs have tremendously improved. What would you recommend? Thank you always!


Casey in Utah, My brother has a cyst on top of his wrist,,,,Is there a way to treat and get rid of a cyst at the wrist joint on top that has apparently been created due to constant, repetitive motion from typing on a keyboard and movement of the mouse from years of a work from home job??..


Hi Dr. Glidden- Lynn from Pt Pleasant, NJ here…Exit 99 off Garden State Parkway-LOL….I am on my 3rd day of the Parasite Cleanse….Yay!!! and tonight is Full Moon….One more day…..How many times a year do you suggest doing this cleanse?


I seem to wake up with swelling in my right hand and foot. It’s hard to bend fingers on the right hand. During the day the condition improves a little, but at the end of day I still cannot bend the middle two fingers all the way.. Also, off and on, I get tingling in my right foot and arm, lasts a few minutes, then abates. Can anything be done to improve this condition?

Hi, I’m having acne hormonal flares on my neck and body. I noticed I get them when I’m doing intense training, and once I rest they start going away. I have the rebound for extra minerals. Also if I should just follow your acne protocol where can I get the extra products that you mention? I know where to get the sweet Eze, by the way what does that do? The Good Herbs Antimicrobial Support Ultimate Selenium I’m not sure where to get these. How to heal the skin faster from scars and post acne inflammation.


Dr G,

For the past few weeks, I've been going to bed around 11 PM and waking up each morning at approximately 3:00 AM to 3:30 AM. I've noticed that when I go to bed later, around 12:00 AM, I wake up around 4:30 AM. Does this indicate that it is simply a circadian rhythm issue rather than a liver issue? I eat alot of fruit in the summer and was wondering if you are ok with me eating alot of organic dried fruit in the winter time if it does not have added sugar?


Naples, FL checking in. I started the Parasite Cleanse 9-16 at 6am and the load of 92 grams of sugar in the honey & juice really threw me! I was lightheaded, dizzy & had to lay down & fell into a deep sleep for 3 hours after having slept the whole night. I was wondering if that amount of sugar is necessary for the Cleanse? Today, Day 2 of the Cleanse, I cut the honey in 1/2. Will the Cleanse still be effective?

Sheyenne in North Carolina. Been trying for weeks to get my question in. Hubby has had a watery eye for months. We tried a homeopathic you recommended, it did not help. Been on the 90 for 7 years. No rhyme or reason to the one eye watering. No burning. No itching. Occasional crustiness in the morning. Found that calcarea carbonica seems to manage it, but not cure it. Any other options you can recommend?


Hi, Liz from NY. Been hearing a lot about vitam B17 and cancer prevention. What are your thoughts. What causes a growth on the thyroid gland? Thanks


Merry B, Apache Junction, AZ, where the coyotes roam. Emoji TESTIMONIAL TIME: The beginning of September, I was experiencing a weird spike in my blood pressure every three days and couldn't figure out what was causing it. (I'm the one who takes the Carditone.) You said to double the Osteo and see what happened. In only a week, it leveled out to the daily third reading averaging around 125/83 and has stayed there. You are AWESOME!! QUESTION: Is it necessary to check BP every day or do you have a suggestion for simple preventative maintenance?


Asking for a viewer: How do we address microplastics and get rid of them?

This is SuzyQ, 1.Doc,,do you know what kind of light that is to use in your home to get Vitd with? I may be interested. I am wondering if my husband is having the start of dementia. He has been doing a lot of crazy things! What happened the other day is he put a pork roast with veggies and potatoes in a heavy cast iron crock-pot and then put that heavy pot on a glass shelf in the refrigerator instead of the oven.When I questioned him about it, he said he wanted to bake it later, LOL! Then he put the whole thing in the oven! I was very concerned about that heavy pot sitting on the glass! Do you know why it took so long for the 10th and 12th chats to be put in the archives? I wanted to view them last week and I see they are finally up. Also, I don't see the Homeopathics up yet. What happened? I wanted to tell you about that Detoxidine that you didn't know what it was. It was recommended to me by someone else in the chats. Detoxidine is for healthy thyroid detox and hormone balance. And it's organic. Any thoughts on that? It's by Global Healing.


this is jon from montana, wrote in about 8 weeks ago, low back issue, had MRI, no reults yet, dr believes it to be herniated disc, believes injection would take care of the issue, could barely walk for 3 weeks, got some PEMF treatments ,really helped, PEMF is worth looking into


Nate in Pasadena - Thanks so much - You helped me with my Euthachian tube pain, which led to a cold, by recommending Kali Muriaticum 30C. Now I'm at coughing stage, which is late stage of my cold, periodic and but not constant. Sometimes I spit up mucous, but not always. Still using 90 plus Killer Biotic. Any other homeopathic remedies that can help if I need them? Also, should I stop the Kali Muriaticum?

Dr Glidden .I got the fluoricum Acium A few days ago How do I take it. Is this to strighten my back? Loretta


Hi Doc, Ruth from Jensen Beach, but we are spending the summer off Exit 63 on the Parkway. Along with nutrition are there excercises or chiropractic useful for enlarged prostate? Because of constant travel, I am not on the 90 yet. (I take no drugs) I am having dry mouth and chapped lips. Is this vitamin B deficiency? or might it be EMF sensitivity?


Hi, I’m having acne hormonal flares on my neck and body. I noticed I get them when I’m doing intense training, and once I rest they start going away. I have the rebound for extra minerals. Also if I should just follow your acne protocol where can I get the extra products that you mention? I know where to get the sweet Eze, by the way what does that do? The Good Herbs Antimicrobial Support Ultimate Selenium I’m not sure where to get these. How to heal the skin faster from scars and post acne inflammation. Am I supposed to get the female hormone support even though I am a male? And can I use this protocol for kids ? My daughter is 11, what can I do for oily skin? Is there a way to fix or cure lactose intolerance?

Hello, Doc Just got back from taking my husband to urgent care, he had severe knee pain out of nowhere. They said he has infection in the joint and need to go to the ER for blood work to rule out if it's a skin infection or what not. So my question would be what do you recommend for something like this? Is it necessary to go to ER ? And what to take for his pain level is about an 8 Thank you so much and appreciate everything you do. f Dawn from Chino Cal


Hi, Judy here. It’s been a while but I’m always lurking, always enjoy you. I see a local integrated physician. Recently he has prescribed a couple things I’m not thrilled about. My ferritin is 59 (ref range 16-288 ng/mL). My DHEA Sulfate is 175 (ref range 4-157). He wants me to take 10 mg micronized DHEA and 36 mg Ferrasorb (iron) daily. Says the iron will help my energy levels and the DHEA will help with issues a 74-yr-old deals with after menopause. I’m not doing this and I’m questioning my association with him. Thoughts?


Who is the author of the cancer book you just held up?


I'm a new subscriber. I have been on the healthy pack for a couple of months. I have a question about gluten. In the Bible people ate wheat and grains. Why is it bad now?

Doc this is Nascent Iodine, I am told! Does that help you?


9/19/24 Live Chat Q&A


9/12/24 Live Chat Q&A