1/2/25 Live Chat Q&A


Hello and happy New Year. I have been sick in bed for 4 days with nausea, vomiting, and intense mouth pain. I believe it was food poisoning. The nausea and vomiting have subsided but the mouth pain is INTENSE!! It is on the right side of my tongue, the right half of the roof of my mouth and right upper and lower gums. What can I do?


Happy new year Doc Do Bluetooth headphones mess with the brain after prolonged use? Any concrete evidence? I remember you said frequent urination at night linked is possible linked to osteoporosis of the spine and it can be helped by using an inclined bed. Could you elaborate a bit more on that?


Hi Doc, Follow up on my left eye with the flashes of light, floater, pain and eye dryness. I took the Causticum 1M as suggested: 3 pellets stirred in water for 30 seconds, 1 teaspoon three times per day for 7 days. Unfortunately, after the first day it seemed to cause more eye pain and light flashes so I stopped taking it on the second day. What do you suggest? Thanks! Have your heard of Dimethyl Sulfoxide (DMSO)? I have heard it is good for the skin but also the eyes, digestion and circulation. Is it safe to take internally? Where would you source DMSO?


Hey doc, it’s Phil 🙂. I’ve been experimenting with teas, as a supplement for health (on top of the 90), and I’m curious if you’ve heard of a brand called “Traditional Medicinals”, they use organic herbs like eucalyptus leaf and peppermint. Do you have any initial thoughts? I’ve heard simple Green Tea has a plethora of benefits. Also, I’ve been having a small round patch of dry, flakey skin on my Right Cheek, about a 1/2” under my eye, and a finger-tip in width. I think it’s been there for about 2 months, before the natrum arsenicicum. Since it is still there, do you have any thoughts on what I could do, or would you need more details? It is not bothersome. Happy New Year doc, and I hope you feel well soon.


Hi Doc. I have two questions. My 8 year old son has a brown line running vertically on his nail (left thumb). I googled the condition and it came back as Melanonychia. This condition can be benign but it can also be very harmful as well. Can you explain what this is? And what can we do about this? My wife heard from a mom's group that nebulizing collodial silver can puncture the lungs? Is this true? Thanks.

Craig in Grant Pass. Do all of the 90, cross the blood brain barrier?


Good morning, Dr. G. This is Matt from Palm Coast. Hope you all had an excellent holiday and new years. Sorry for the length; one question at the top followed by an optional MD fiasco rant at the bottom (rant has no question and is sectioned off, just depending on the time you have today if you want to fume with it). SUSPECTED PINCH NERVE IN LOWER BACK, above pelvis, but stays below ribcage - The advice out there is all over the place... if you had to give general advice to someone with a pinched nerve in their lower back to support their body healing, would you have suggestions? MD RANT that sparked the question above: I want to avoid detail as it's my fiancée, and I know you don't answer questions for other people, ... but wow... she went to the hospital for this the day after Christmas and after being injected with 5 different drugs (on top of her usual prescriptions) within 20 minutes, a CT scan(!?), and then they wanted to do another CT with contrast after (they thought the cause may be her intestines), I had to fight myself to keep my mouth shut in there with her and just let her do what she thought was best for her. $6,000-$11,000 later, the MD's called it a success that she's still in pain to this very day, just no longer fearing for her life. She did pass out from the pain in Urgent Care which spiraled it all. Wild how one can't convince people of this MD nonsense when this also occurs to their face.


Cheryl: Report - the Lac caninum didn't do much. Maybe a little for 1/2 day on day 2 and 4. May I try Natrum Sulphuricom which is supposed to be for sensitivity to touch, cold, draft? (That's a match.) and maybe Ionic sulphur? Oh, the Lac caninum was for roving back cold/wet feeling, which is increased and brought higher in back,,always left side, when lying down usually. Just finished a video chat with m.d. and she has no idea what this is and wants a physical visit. I'd sure rather not - that's just stepping into a bunch of probably useless tests... And what about Calcarea Phosphorica for long term support for degenerative spine - which I do have.


Happy & Blessed New Year to all. Dr Glidden I am still experiencing popping and crackling and muffled sound especially in my right ear. I have tried the muriaticum and pulsatilla that you recommended but the problem still persists. What else would you recommend? It is lessening to a good extent in my left ear and very gradually in my right I've been experiencing this since Thanksgiving. Thank you for your help, Terri.

Hey Doc! Ken B. here. Praying for you....hang in there! As I mentioned a couple of weeks ago, my Dad's doctor thinks he's in early Alzheimer's. You suggested Baryta Carbonica 200c and D-Stress. He's on day 6 of the Baryta, no changes noticed. Should he take the D-Stress along with the Baryta? Thanks so much Doc and Happy New Year.


Hello from West FL. (lichens + colon isseu) I did eaverything you said and wanted to say something perhaps salient. Its something I completely forgot. 2022-2024 or a little longer-- I had infected molars. the area deaveloped a fustula which helped the infection drain so I let it go and go and remain untreated. in that time I had many abx. probably approx 5 runs of amoxicillin. Well finally in OCT just around the hurricanes here -- I got both teeth extracted. Only to learn the other side --29 30 31 also were infected. And I was symptomatic w upper resp thiings of/onn. I did not figure that out during those years -- that headaches, watery eyes, weakeness, sore throats and swollen lymph were caused probably and this ongoing low level of illness endudred so so long. Now I also few days ago got 29 30 31 extraccted. today is day 3 post-op and lots of pain. But not the issue. the issue here is filling in the blanks. I have this colon problem. Cannot poop without laxative. But can say the inflammation is improved to some extent since the latest 3 teeth were removed. What would you say about this in relation to what is going on w my colon and the lichens itch. Also, you need to know, they were all failed root canals. All those teeth. so there. the part of the picture I fortgot about completely. And also, on this bio-dentists' wall is a chart. and wouldnit you know the teetch all correlate to different organs....and for ALL those 5 teeth extracted -- they ALL corelated to Lungs + Colon!! oh my. I don't know if this is a missing puzzle piece. Pls think this over and analyaze and pls say something. Also, these teeth were all root-canaled around the time the lichens started -- in 2012 and what can you advise us all to do about these things like heavy fogs in places -- and ppl soming sick. and we know some. we have had heavy fog on FL west coast since November. yikes. And what can we do to fend off these bird and other diseases they are releasing to try to keep Trump away or at least bring chaos and to kill more ppl And I still find I need to do colon hydroTx -- but less. bc still difficult to poop albeit mildly improved. and its carla -- forgot to mention

once diagnosed with a brain aneurysm via cerebral angiogram a CNS embolization was scheduled. Anything to do to prepare for this or an alternative?



Why is there huge rise w hosimoto?

Extra osteo & glucogel to help with degenerative discs?


1/7/25 Live Chat Q&A


12/26/24 Live Q&A Chat