12/26/24 Live Q&A Chat
I remember you said you're not a fan of Vitamin D as a supplement as it is derived from irradiated sheep skin or something. So is the amount of Vitamin D cholecalciferol in Tangy and Osteo gonna pose any problem?
Hello, this is Gracie from Chicago. I have a sore throat. My family just got over strep throat. I don’t know if that’s part of what I have. just sore on the right side. It hurts to swallow plus I always have postnasal drip anyway and that never feels good either. Also, my one sinus is blocked. I’ve been using the Argentyn silver colodial spray, but it doesn’t seem to help anymore.
hi doc, Jerry from NJ. I just came out of the hospital with A fib. I spent 3 days and they sent me home on 6 strong medications. I was using heart support, Boluoke, Selenium, and Hawthorn young shoot. How should i proceed. Thanks Jerry. Also, I have a fear of going to sleep and can i make a acute appointment.
Merry Christmas! What would you suggest for an ulcer that the doctor says is caused by stress.
clickd too soon: Accident 10 days ago, injured wrist, part of hand, part of forearm (fell forward holding shop cart w/right hand left hand holding shop bag, all impact on one arm) Have little swell on thumb side of writst, purple bruise on inside mid forearm to wrist along blood vessels. All range of motion good. Pain when touch thumb side of forearm a little above wrist. Have appt w/good ortho surgeon for x ray on Jan. 3. Am I waiting too long? Added food based vit d3/k2 to my routine yesterday. 2n question on behalf of friend who is invited to join but may not have succeeded: Has benign thyroid nodules, dr wants to remove thyroid. she has normal t3/t4 but very high thyroglobulin, 232. Is there need for concern on level? can she live with nodules or remove them naturally?
Hey, Doc, Neo from San Jose. I have a tooth ache. I am not sure if I bit down too hard on something, cracked my tooth, or it is a cavity. I have a dentist appointment for next Tuesday. Is there anything you would suggest? Thanks!!! To add to what is going on with my tooth..my tooth is not sensitive to cold or heat. It hurts when I am chewing on food, so it is pressure related. It hurts at the top center of the lower left tooth in about the middle of the jaw. It is a sharper pain. I do have a dull ache there also. It started yesterday.
G&I (or, "Starfish" [1 of 2]) here. Calcarea Fluorica 200c arrived yesterday, began course this morning. YGY products ordered. Two questions:
Clarification on Fluorica: the "every other day for 19 days"... is the "19" the total # of days (combined days taking and not taking), or only the # of day the pills are taken? Might not the taking of YGY supplements for the past 3-4 months be causing the 88ml/day of the Synthroid to be working better, and so overwhelming the body/thyroid - resulting in the wife's on and off mildly increased heart pounding and semi-erratic arrhythmia-like beating? At least contributing to the erratic heart behavior. By way of reminder: Wife's TSH in April, 2024 was 1.76; in July, 2024 was 1.46; and on December 2024 (3-4 months AFTER beginning YGY Supplements) TSH was 5.86
Hi Doc,can you recommemmend something for fear of going to sleep. Thanks
Greetings from Canada where it is Boxing Day. It's the equivalent of Black Friday in the US and we get the day off. Hopefully we will be able keep it as the 51st State. What's the status of you revised book? I don't see it in Member New Content. Richard from Ottawa
Greetings from Mel in Minn A Sota, I wish you and Brenda an Astounding 2025. I predict the collapse of MD medicine in next 12 months OR LESS. If it does you both can take me to lunch lol. if it dont I owe you Venison Jerkey!. deal? Is A1C levels as important to control vs. other higher importance. thanks. MD's /clinics etc get paid more for you being labeled pre or diabetic even if they dont do anything for you. Sic.